Establishing Flow and Dynamic Stability- Manifesting Skills I - J7

If you would like to participate, all you need is the album, an open mind and heart, and a little bit of time.

Choose a course, put it on, share your experience and connect with Alaya and others who are studying these courses. Keep it simple. If you need help, Listening tips. (plus there is a fuller participation guide here).

Alaya’s notes

Instantly brought in, so physical, image rich and clear. Often I experience the energies kinesthetically more than visually. This one was visual for me as well as palpable and felt. Finding the feeling of balance and support at my base in conjunction with my boundary felt amazing. For me, the timing of receiving this alignment, this purification and stabilization at the chakra level, structurally in the bones, and level of boundary was just incredible. Add this to top of the charts and faves.


Master Your Instrument - Create!- Manifesting Skills I - J8


Invitation to Embody - Connections- Connect with My Baby - J6