The Dance of Light and Matter

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Human Clinic February 6 2023 - General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

Listen to audio notes on Soundcloud.

In this session

11 Humans including me

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Los Angeles, CA

Sacramento, CA

Atlanta, GA

Takoma Park, MD

Brooklyn, NY

New York, NY

Lille, France

Ottawa, Canada


Group Notes from Alaya

Prefer to listen to the notes? Click here.

Notes will be posted here throughout the day.


Have begun our session, calling in the beings of light including Earth and Sun, many guides and Masters, Dragons, Unicorns and also the Ley Line Masters from each of your locations this time.

And of course have connected with you at the levels at least of your Higher Self, Soul, Divine Self and Guides.

Know that you are in good company. Reading your intentions, the purity and sincerity, the love, the intentions to be your highest and best Selves, to thrive, to heal, to live your World Service, Peace, etc. It’s a gorgeous group.

For some reason I keep getting to mention that my spelt sourdough starter is going. I’m in the bread making process and my starter is feeding during Clinic. It’s something to consider. Seeding, infusing these energies if you make bread or kombucha or other things that have living consciousness in your kitchen.


I’m getting ready to do the nrg part of the session. I’ve read through each of your intentions.


I just added Becoming Joy meditation to the Human Clinic playlist for you on Soundcloud.

Themes of healing the body, loving the body, and swaddling in layers of light to help you feel safe.

Being “scared of your own shadow” —Meaning: projections of aspects of Self or being human that are not acceptable to you or conscious yet out onto the world of form, of nature, of other human beings that then cause fear (especially in the young ones). This can show up as social, emotional, mental or behavioral anxiety or separation and isolation or as physical allergies or other things where the body identifies something as “other” and creates strategies to avoid or attack.

And so we looked at the harmlessness of these things, the beauty and perfection, the wholeness and safety that is also available and also true. How to love all that we are. How to resonate with and harmonize with those scary or unlovable things so that we are truly safe and know love through and through.

Understanding, identifying energy that isn’t ours and knowing we can choose to release it at any time. (and did release it in the energy if that was the right time, otherwise, the knowing about releasing it when the time is best).

Most everyone spent a lot of time or entirely during nrg part on the bodywork tables.

However, Initiation. One of you went directly into a field of light for initiation and connection with your council, guides and next steps instead of the bodywork tables until later in the session. Another had other work to do with guides involving alignment and readying for next steps.

Interestingly this session is/has been very much all the layers of light that a human being is, that you are. From the atomic, cellular, physical, emotional, mental, energetic, soul, spiritual etc…involving integration and healing at whatever level you needed and were open for a shift. Opening flows in the body and energy pathways to release that which is not useful and to open to receive and integrate, to weave in and reclaim aspects of Self.

Recharging for the journey ahead.

Unkinking/unblocking stuck pathways so your light can flow. These kinks or blocks can happen at any of the levels, and so for each we just gently and in accordance with your own Divine Plan, help to unkink, to create and stabilize pathways for health and flow. If there is more about this for you it is in your personal notes.

Time with your council - life plan, next steps and guidance. Simply being with your council and guides, simply being in the light of your Divine Self is powerful and can be life changing. You will receive the clarity, guidance, nudges and next steps that are right for you, in your own divine timing and readiness.

There is a gentleness to the space and healing energies today.

We worked with Nature, and elements. Soil - earth, water-flow , trees - wood - green, fire - heat- melted metal, metal and minerals…the nature spirits. This was an important part of our healing today.

Again working with the ley lines and earth energies where you live.

What areas hold your light? Where are you invited to be? Is there something to contribute or receive in your current location?

I have just added a day to explore the resonance of home together on February 19th

In terms of our group configuration, how are these rivers of energy connected and how is our work today supportive of healing and balancing of Earth flows and body, energy? We work for ourselves in these sessions, and it is World Service too. As we heal ourselves, this impacts the whole.

Listen to the group notes for a transmission of alignment, receiving, incorporating and emanating Earth and Sun and Love for yourself and all of life.


I am working on your individual readings/notes now.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic!




Pet Clinic is February 14th. Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. The notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic -Feb 23 2023