Human Clinic January 26 2023 - General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

Listen to audio notes on Soundcloud.

In this session

21 Humans including me

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Lille, France

Mumbai, India


Hamburg, Germany


Los Angeles, CA

Central Coast, CA

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Sacramento, CA

Georgia, USA

Providence, RI

Boston, MA

Takoma Park, MD

New York, NY

Group Notes from Alaya

Prefer to listen to the notes? Click here.


We’ve begun. I’ve called in the great beings of light, many Masters, Guides, Angels and Great Ones. And as I was setting up, the dragons came in and then the unicorns. During the height of the pandemic, a small group of us spent the bulk of the year working with our own Divine Self and Divine Mission and as part of that, worked with Nature (Pan) and dragons. That program was called Your Personal Project. Such a generic and funny name, I thought, for something that felt huge and profound to my human self. That energy came through very strongly as I set up. And then, just after that, the unicorns came in, called by the children who are in this session. This has never happened that I recall in a Human Clinic before.

I have connected with each of you and am going to do the first energy portion of the session now.

11:46 am

I have now done 2 passes through of nrg and am taking notes. Some personal, some for the group.

Am guided to share the Forgiveness meditation journey 03 for at least 24 hours. That is usually a private track and only for people who own the full course and album. You can listen to it via the soundcloud link below for the next 24 hours:

As the session began, I found each of you as I always do, as Higher Self, Soul, Divine Self-God-Self, your council, your guides. Throughout this session we’ve been finding the places where your circuits and pathways for this higher Source light that you are to flow through have been bent, or cut off or in some other way not used at all or not allowing the free flow of this energy through and to all your layers of light. Of course we are doing this with the utmost respect for your system and what is next for you, what is safe and comfortable for your system.

There have been many little themes today, many little configurations, pairs and groups with shared resonance for what you are needing and receiving and creating today.  Pairs and configurations forming in the group based on age, on purpose, or connection from this and other lifetimes.

At one point, we called all of you who are intending consciously or at the soul level to work more consciously with your guides and several of you stepped forward. Together we helped you find your connections, the energy of your guides, the ways that are optimal for you to connect with your own guides.

There also is a new space on the inner planes for these clinics. It’s quite something to behold. There are bodywork tables for integration and healing, there are areas that look like teaching/learning circles with a Master or High Being of Light at the front of a group or in the center of that circle. And then concentrations of light, vortices, initiation portals, It’s like a rich learning lab of mastering the Earth and other dimensions.

We have been helping you remember your Purpose, Wisdom, gifts and talents you bring, your own way of “doing it right”, your highest and best ways of healthy and strong and clear organization of your energy bodies and physical systems.

Some of the configurations I’ve observed and worked with include:

Two pregnant mamas and their babies, one in California, one in Liechtenstein, both having participated in Your Divine Path of Motherhood. In so much pure, expansive light.

Two young girls, one in Georgia and one in Mauritius who both are realizing and reconnecting with their own Purpose, Power, and also with one another. Seems they know each other well on the inner planes—a clear, simple and happy being together and partnering together in these spaces. With that, a sense of “I’m not alone. I DO know what to do.” I did speak with one of them in particular at length about how she does not need to take on anyone else’s template or energy structures, which is what she “forgot” and thought she was supposed to do. (this is what most or all children do—of course—this is how we survive in many ways, we mimic). It was such a relief to her to be reminded of her own glorious divine templates. We talked a lot about her purpose and mission, and how big it is, and how she’ll have all the support she needs. To her it has seemed quite desolate and lonely. But I was able (I hope) to assure her of the legion of support she has, and showed her how we all feel this way to varying degrees. I certainly have.

All the kids. Playing in the light together, with the unicorns, with the dragons, with one another and the bright stars that they are.

Two strong men who have known each other in their first ever incarnation on Earth, also knowing from this incarnation myself and one other woman in this group. The other woman and myself who have worked on this lifetime consciously, bringing them more fully into remembrance into that circle of beings. Very early days on Earth.

Others I can’t name the resonance that drew you together.

And then,it shifted. And someone was bullying their way in.

One person not registered for this session was bullying their way in, drawing all kinds of attention to themselves energetically, and me doing all I could to set a boundary, to say no. To let them know it’s not kind to me or others who are committed, it’s not what I am offering. It’s not OK. And of course that didn’t work, because a bully does what they want without respecting others. Finally I surrendered to the flow, surrendered into love and for the highest flow of all. Maybe that person needs this energy. Maybe they need forgiveness.

This opened up what flowed forth next, which was stunning and gorgeous and I’ll be curious to hear how this resonates. I’ll need to tell it out of order, likely, because I cannot actually remember the order! It is a whole experience.

Those of us who have ever felt bullied or unsafe around others began gathering and connecting in resonance of radiant love and respect. Self-respect, and respect for others.

Whatever outrage or offense we have ever felt by being bullied or abused ourselves, or by witnessing our children or others being bullied at personal or global scales, this pain and suffering, outrage and offense began being drawn into the radiant heart of each and of our group heart.

One by one, two by two, then a group emanating, a bonding safe flow of love and respect and Truth of the wholeness, the love that we are.

The love was so strong, it set a boundary where only respect and love could be. Anything that tried to enter would become respect, become love.

And what I felt so deeply was the solidarity, the support, the together, whole feeling of how fear isolates us, separates us whereas the courage to bring the outrage or fear or sense of being violated into the heart, which absolutely has the ease to transmute it, creates a strength, and a community based in love.

And then forgiveness, again or still coming through for those of us who ever also played the role of bully. Forgiving the bullies, but also, ourselves.

For a while, one of the children who has been acting out was in the middle of all of us, all of us in our radiant heart light, he stood in the middle, standing proud with sword held high as the valiant knight. Alternating with an image or presentation, slumped and sobbing, “I failed”, devastated at failing in former lives in his role as valiant knight and protector.

This child yes, but his soul, in the middle as we all loved and witnessed him in his intent, his struggle, his self-perceived failure, emanating love, forgiveness and understanding.

As a group we held him in the light of this Love. Accepting him for all of it. And we traced the role of Protector, an aspect of the Divine Masculine, to the divine idea—the highest level of Divine Template and Expression. What could that look like in a human life, we wondered? And the one in the middle wondered, how could it be different? As we all held the pathway open for the Truth to shine through, he found the answers as a way of holding himself, as well as setting a tone, being a leader with this pure divine expression for all the others.

As we did all of this he would say, “What about me?!!” I and I would say, “What about you?” And he would flail a bit and then find the higher Purpose, the connection with his Wise-self, the expression of Love through the role of Protector, as Knight.

He found his way to that resonance of the highest Divine Masculine expression. I felt it in my field, in my body. It is there for all of us.

Again, maybe it’s worth repeating, through all of this we recognized the simple truth of how strong we are together. How the fear creates isolation but the connection at the highest level and bringing this through to the personality level creates safety, calm, filled-in sense of wholeness and strength.

I thought of the children and how important this is for them to know and to have.

As we re-established this wholeness in our own self and as a group body, we re-membered this sense of all wholeness and all-sufficiency.

That connection and understanding of all-sufficiency then created a spin-off focus into clearing and reconnecting circuits within you, establishing new flows for abundance circuitry for everyone in the session.

It’s 12:30 pm.

I am going to take a short break and then resume with the individual notes. I plan to record these group notes as audio notes and add them to soundcloud, but likely will do that after I’ve finished with all the personal notes (and it may need to wait until tomorrow as it’s now 7pm and I’m still making my way through the personal notes). There are 20 of you, so this is going to take a while. I likely will go in time zone order so that those of you who are later in the day can get your notes before you go to bed, hopefully.

During the session, I had an image of some of you journaling. You might take pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and free write or journal about any of the themes here that resonate for you, as a way to support your integration.


8:47 PM EST - I have just emailed the final personal notes! If you didn’t receive your notes, please let me know. They have been sent so please also check your junk mail if you don’t see them.

I don’t have it in me to do the audio notes tonight, so if I do that it will be in the morning. That will also help with integration, to read through them again in the morning. Hope you all sleep well! Happy integrating. It was quite a lot.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic!



The Forgiveness meditation is available for 24 hours in the Human Clinic playlist on Soundcloud to support your process and integration:

If you want to listen to the I AM meditation from December, just navigate to last month’s notes.


Pet Clinic is February 14th. Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. The notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic -Feb 6 2023


Human Clinic February 6 2023 - General Notes


Pet Clinic January 17 2023 - General Notes