Human Clinic July 13 2022 - General Notes

The energy was so strong this morning I couldn’t do much other than be in it. Before the session, I lied down and put on J4 Eagle’s Nest, Coming Home from Navigating New Flows. It all felt resonant and then I crossed over at the end. I came back prior to 1pm and started our session at 1. I read each of your intentions and worked with each of you and then did the group session for an hour. It was powerful.

Gathered today:

15 humans including me

Areas of the world represented:

France - Lille


Germany - Hamburg

Canada - Ottawa

India - Rural Mumbai

US California - Southern and Northern

US New Orleans

US Washington State

US New York

US Rhode Island

Thank you all!


I am just coming out of the session, having a snack of chips and local kombucha. :) The sessions often make us hungry. Will post some general notes and send a little note to each of you. Please feel free to post notes of your own here if and as you wish.

Before I begin, I call in all the beings that I work with. And then once we finished with this individual portion, I called in an even greater vortex including many high guides and energies including Earth, Sun, Spiritual Sun, Nature, and more, Masters (like Quan Yin, Buddha, Jesus, more), star energies like Pleiades, Sirius, Divine Will, and angels and other beings assisting you, us and all of life.

This experience was beautiful and full of love from my perspective. I loved working with each of you one at a time, connecting with your soul and multiple levels of your being. And as I read through your intention, we found the patterns that were in flow or out of flow regarding what you were asking for. You worked with your council, guides, soul and higher self to understand how to create shifts, how to release, how to reorganize, how to expand, or to simply understand why things are the way they are and how that relates to your Divine Plan.

At some points in the session I experienced you all on tables receiving bodywork, including at the end, support for integrating what you received in this session.

I experienced many beings of light coming to be with you for your specific, individual needs. You working with your own teams and guides of light, much love and support for you.

And your council and own Self at many levels working with you to stabilize what is available for you now, what is next for you, what you still need to catch up with and digest and integrate. Heal, receive, embody.

For a few of you, there was a lot of held and stuck emotional energy in the physical level. Gently, we helped you look at ways to safely, respectfully realize this is not really you, and to help you and your body feel the difference of what is you and this cloud of energy, and to help you release or lift that out of your system, and as much as was ready to move on to a next evolutionary phase, did so.

That should feel freeing, healing, and possibly disorienting.

We sometimes have that kind of energy accumulate, or as a “normal” from when we are tiny. So please be gentle with yourself.

A couple of you were working with your angel wings. Remembering you have them, opening and expanding, normalizing.

Those of you working with conception, a being I know very well came to help you, to play with you and to help set optimal conditions for you, and/or to really illuminate for you what your next steps are. If you are experiencing doubts or questions, we really held the illumination steady and bright for you to receive your own clear guidance and answers as to is there anything wrong? Anything you need to do differently? The Divine Plan for children coming in including the pathway (natural conception, IUI, IVF, adoption, surrogacy) and timing.

If you signed up with your partner, we helped you each clear and come into alignment more fully in your individual expression and also helped you find the expansion and harmony in your relational space so that you each have all the space you need as well as the intimacy and love of close connection and a life shared.

If your intention included calling in and co-creating a romantic love and partnership, we looked at and worked with helping you prepare yourself at all the levels to be a match for this. Who do you need to be? Are you simply ready? And also set the space so that if it was in alignment, for you to find that soul and make a plan to meet.

If you are like me and in a process of relocating now or in the near future, we also worked with ley line masters and councils who govern areas (like cities, towns, states, countries). In my awareness these past months, I am seeing a new grid stabilizing having to with how we exchange love, money, services. As we come into resonance with that, some of us are being or will be drawn to new areas to settle. If you are one of the ones being drawn to a new location, from what I see, the best approach is to take your hands off the wheel, let go and allow the flow to carry you as best you can. It may or may not make sense to you as it’s happening. You might feel surprised about where you are guided to go.

We did work with letting go as well. Letting go of attachments, of forms, situations, energies, patterns, places, relationships—letting go—in all ways that support your freedom to be and become your true nature and pure essence. Unencumbered, freed, we flow to the places, people, situations that are rightfully ours. We allow our natural inheritance, our joy, delight, ease and bounty. Our love and creativity flow freely, we are received and it is easy to be generous.

The guides and I filled the space and held resonance very steady for you to find these things if they are for you, at all the levels you are open to receive them.

  • Worthiness

  • Financial Freedom/ Unlimited Abundance

  • Love

  • Compassion

We worked with many qualities and frequencies, and I especially recall working with the following:

  • Clarity

  • Harmony

  • Vision

  • Precision

  • Beauty

There is always more happening in a dynamic outside of time kind of way than I can ever capture with words. Tune into your own knowing, reach into your own experience, and see what is there for you. I hope these words provide you with some comfort and context, a touchstone to find your way into your own words and accessing your experience at the conscious level.

You all did great!

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