The Dance of Light and Matter

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June 30th 2022 Vibrational Child Clinic

Hello! In light of recent events I am adding Vibrational Child specific clinic. For now ANY intent is included. You may send Alaya 500 words or less after you sign up on any topic related to your fertility and conscious parenting journey.

If you would like to dive into journeys while you participate or support yourself as you integrate these energies, I highly recommend Energetic Alignment for Motherhood. That is independent study with a lot of support in the form of group watching video recordings. It is also the required preparation for our more advanced work. I am receiving downloads that A Clear Path to Motherhood will be offered again in the fall, with an in person component dependent on health and safety for all involved.

This is the place where I will post group notes after our session, and a place for you to reply and share your experience once you have completed the session. For registered participants only. Thank you!


This was a very small group and I ended up only sending individual personal notes.

We worked on things like patterns we took on from our mothers, the way we learned to give and receive love, and our own birth trauma. We worked with all the babies in the realms of light, divine timing and pathways.

A lot of beautiful unfoldings!

Stay tuned for the next Vibrational Child clinic or course. In the meantime, you can sign up for Human Clinic and put in any intentions about creating your family, fertility or other Vibrational Child related intentions for those sessions. I am moving and am going to combine these two clinic types until I am settled. See you soon!