Human Clinic November 10th 2023-General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

In this session

13 humans including me

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Recanati, Italy and Gradara Castle

Liechtenstein (2)

Central Coast, California (2)

Wakefield, Massachussets

Richfield, Connecticut (2)

Atlanta, Georgia

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Seattle, Washington

Hamburg, Germany

Pre Clinic notes

Mango and I went to Athens yesterday. I am not typically a historical tour person, but we did do a walking tour with a local in the morning which was fun and useful.

I took some pictures at one of the historical homes and had the sense that some of us in this community were the slaves and some the property owners and slave owners. I learned about a discovery of slave graves under one of the University buildings, which made the headlines when it was discovered and you may already know about it.

At the historical society, there was a placard about Mammy’s. There was some resonance for me about this, and interesting given the Vibrational Child work and so many of you being mothers. Mammy’s were the Black slaves who cared for the White children. Some of them were very young themselves, maybe 12 or 14 years old in some cases.

There was a binder of biographies and family trees of the slaves, too, but the museum was updating this and it is not currently publicly available. If you feel strongly you’d like to see this, I can have the researcher send me what she has that she can share with you via email, but I won’t post it publicly out of respect for her/their process.

Remains of slaves underneath a University building:

I was also reading this morning some prophecy that this area of the USA in the future will hold the resonance of Spiritual Freedom.

Also I am drawn to the notions of Atlanta-Atlantis and Athens-Athens (Georgia-Greece).

Please sit with these ideas and see if anything stirs with you.

Group Notes from Alaya

Good morning or afternoon, depending on where you are in the world. We have begun. Interesting to me, as I was setting up and inviting and allowing the Masters and Guides and Archangels and other High Beings who are drawn to join us today, Archimedes joined, is welcome. I googled Archimedes and while I do not fully consciously comprehend his role here, my comprehension isn’t important but his participation is important. My understanding has to do with the bigger project here on Earth and beyond.

I am now into reading and am fascinated already. The first personal intent that on the surface and consciously in this life has nothing to do with slavery revealed a root theme about landownership and enslavement.

And then in the next personal note I am tuning in and our participant in the Netherlands who as part of her note to me has brought the question/inquiry of slave practices, trading, ships in the Netherlands and how that might be important for our work today. Indeed!

And being in the Netherlands might be of some import for the grids around the theme: the Dutch golden age (1600’s 1700’s) was mostly  by their commerce of slaves on all their boat routes. See how that feels and if it’s important (healing for the times the slaves spent on the boats, the travel routes a whole grid of itself, all the way back to the places they were kidnapped ??)

As I tuned in, this is what came through me, which I began sharing only as a personal email response but it is feeling that I need to include it as part of the group notes.

Shivers I see portals of pools of golden light light up where I am and where you are. Arcing light over the land of earth (as opposed to within the dense body, rather in the energy body of earth)

and meeting with stars above and pathways, spirals to the star from these regions. Now I’m seeing more, some in what I think is India, Malaysia, china, Australia, Russia, south America—it’s evolving as I’m looking and typing and now seems to be going into the earth and surrounding some energy in Africa and other places where slaves were kidnapped, forcibly removed from their families and homes.

This is going into sex slavery as well, it’s the energy of slavery that is tying certain souls to certain crystallized energy and thought forms in the matrix of the earth.

It’s not “held” by dark forces I am hearing but dark forces feed on it and it is imprisoning for the souls who are caught like being caught in something sticky. Also aspects of souls caught in this and I see the ones perpetrating the slavery also caught like drugged, enmeshed. Taking turns playing the roles? I ask –no—it’s more that the ones stuck in the “parts’ or roles of slave and owner are caught in those dynamics, not alternating the roles — it may be the stuck and dead situation—I get a yes on this. So those who are ready to complete and go to the light will have that opportunity during this session.

We will be working on the analogous structures and patterns that draw souls into these experiences. Some souls have wanted to experience and learn this (including many or most of you in this session) and Earth is well versed in this dynamic but also it is possible to free yourself in the Earth world which is not the case in some other even denser worlds. Some beings have come to earth to learn about how to become free in order to understand the mechanics of bondage and slavery in order to apply what they have learned to other worlds. There is still much work to be done in the Universal Mind on the theme of liberation, oneness and ultimate freedom and kindness and responsibility among and across species and dimensions.

—->I am intending Peace, Ease, Grace and Harmony, gentleness as we contribute to the untangling. Love and kindness for all involved, including us.

The other thing that has been on my mind has to do with animals. Human and animal relations, so it’s still appropriate to share in Human Clinic. We have been working so consciously in The Human and other programs, Pan and Dragons and Your Personal Project for example, on right relations with Nature. Yesterday Mango and I went to the aquarium, again something unlike me to do. One of our community members suggested it and I got a yes to go. It was fantastic and fun and especially to take Mango. The tanks go all the way to the floor so she was able to see sharks and otters and other fish she otherwise would never get to experience. I had such mixed feelings. It’s wonderful to be able to see and learn and experience the animals. And there was one ginormous whale shark, simply magnificent, basically swimming around and around in a larger than average swimming pool. I felt it. I felt an ache in my heart, this and all the other magnificent beasts, conscious beings, taken from their habitat and enslaved. Cared for, fed and housed, but not free. Mango is on her leash—also not “free” however, domesticated animals and human partnership feels more balanced, it feels like a different conversation but I had to acknowledge it. She and I did some energy work while we were there. It flowed from me to them, felt like but a bandaid.

And some more musings as I’m still working through your emails and notes.

One of you brought up the feeling of how the women of this time weren’t free in ways. The cinched waists of the corsets, for example. I wondered about White women who actually wanted to raise their children and spend time with them. Could they? And now modern times, often women need to work and be away from their children even if they would prefer to be with their kids full time. And how all humans regardless of our differences are bound by certain constraints due to the cultures we’ve created.

And then also thinking about soul qualities like perseverence, faith, resilience. The ability to find joy and keep looking for beauty and the divine in everything regardless of the journey we are on, the challenges we face, our circumstances. Our courage to be present in our lives, to see and know the truth and to take our steps.

The little ones in this session are learning to trust their set ups. To sink into their life as it is and be human. To be seen and known, to allow themselves to remember who they are and their unique roles and gifts, but also to descend into being fully human and trusting their moms and dads and their own soul and greater consciousness so they can confidently take their next steps and move forward into their becoming.

Ok. It’s time for me to transition into the energy big session part.

I am emerging from the energy —huge—am going to let it settle, take Mango for a short walk, get a snack and then work on your individual emails.

This was far more than I could track although I was able to track quite a bit.

We worked with each of you, your council and guides, multidimensionally

Each of your locations, the leyline masters as well as councils.

Much in the Akashic library felt like billions of souls.

The councils and leylines of Atlanta and Athens, included and the whole region and portal opening for Spiritual Freedom and balance, harmony.

Divine rest and rejuvenation for all beings involved, for the land, for each of you.

Healing and evolution of the cellular consciousness fields within you/us.

A part where all of our subpersonality or resistant parts that did not want to heal, to move forward, to evolve all gathered in a circle. Lovely. The Lords of Time and others coming to help slow things down and smooth the way for those parts, to be with the rightness of that no or not yet.

Love, harmony, restoration, order and beauty, more…for the earth, the land, the Earth for all of this healing, evolution, opening, release and liberation. Filling in and nourishing with the light.

Gratitude and more gratitude.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic.




Pet Clinic is December 6th.

Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. Some of the notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic - November 23rd, 2023


Human Clinic November 23rd 2023-General Notes


Pet Clinic November 6 2023 - General Notes