Hi there and thanks to those of you who joined! If you didn’t and are curious, please read about nrg sessions including the FAQ.

These notes highlight some aspects of the session from my perspective but are not everything. I encourage participants to write their own experiences first, before reading mine. That said, it can be helpful to read past nrg session experiences to get a sense of the kinds of things that can happen, and ways to focus your awareness and attention.

When you are ready, comment on this post so that everyone who joined can read how it was for you. Your contribution is an important part of our shared experience, and the way the energies move through you is precious. We all have a unique and valuable perspective. I love to read and feel how it was for you. You can comment with just your location, your full name, initials, or anonymously. Comments by participants only please.

The guides and I start off every session connecting with each of you at the Divine Self level and with your guides, so that you can use the opportunities to your greatest advantage for your own healing, growth and evolution, and for the greatest good of all.

Our Configuration

Human program graduates are in the inner circle, connected with participants in the outer circle.

nrg august 2021.JPG

Alaya’s Notes

Beauty, Freedom, Financial Freedom for all beings for whom that is in alignment with their Divine Plan, the activation and actualization of the highest plan for Humanity all all of life.

The alignment and actualizing of the highest plan and potential for each participant in accordance with their Divine Plan and timing, if and as chosen.

Beauty and perfection of being, Harmony, Clarity, Purity.

Releasing anything that is no longer in alignment and opening to receive Love and pure energy exchange. Safe and comfortable for the body, mind and emotions. The force of Love for the healing, alignment and connection of all sentient beings for the One Work of Light, for all the mothers, all the beings who wish to incarnate, Nature, Gaia, The Sun and stars and all the Masters and Guides.

Lava. Fire. Mountains. Trees. Devas. Fairies. All nature spirits. All leyline masters. All guides and angels. Streams springs wells oceans rivers. Balance.

All who wish to be in Love in couples to find one another.

All who wish to be mothers Love for their co-creation with those who are ready to incarnate.

All who are singles receiving Love and what is for them. Coming into alignment. All.

All beings receiving Love and Peace to dissolve their fears, as is in their highest and best, in accordance with their Divine Plan.



All of the underworld, respect for the lessons, the stories, the gifts of this Earth Human story and school. Respect for all beings.

For those of you participating you all did beautifully. We connected at so many levels. I saw your gorgeous, exquisite, magnificent souls. You are such a blessing to me, to one another and to all of life.

We connected again with all your animals, those of you who I know of your animals specifically I was aware of and including them. Even if you have been waiting for your dog, I was aware of your dog. :) And then all dogs and cats.

The stars, sun, earth, universe, guides, masters, angels, nature spirits, all of life.

Huge light, huge love. More than words.

All those who would Love to receive, to join, who will benefit, contribute and receive, participate with us in these nrg sessions find us in their own perfect divine timing, in their own perfect ways.

Sacred reverence for flesh 
the light of our consciousness engages form and matter
our opportunities
our creations
our flesh * emotions * mind
with respect and wonder
for self and other




Safety Within- Into the Cave - J4


Activating Vision- Into the Cave - J3