Hi there and thanks to those of you who joined! If you didn’t and are curious, please read about nrg sessions including the FAQ.

These notes highlight some aspects of the session from my perspective but are not everything. I encourage participants to write their own experiences first, before reading mine. And then comment on this post so that everyone who joined can read how it was for the others. We all have a unique and valuable perspective. I love to read and feel how it was for you. You can comment with just your location, your full name, initials, or anonymously. Comments by participants only please.

The guides and I start off every session connecting with each of you at the Divine Self level and with your guides, so that you can use the opportunities to your greatest advantage for your own healing, growth and evolution, and for the greatest good of all.

Our Configuration

Human program graduates are a point in each triangle. You’ll see them in the middle like a circle on my drawing. The Chicago (male) isn’t visible in the upload, but you can see the Chicago (female) so it should be clear where you are, also noted below, so I did not re-upload the photo.

  1. Placerville, N. California

  2. Chicago, IL (Female)

  3. Arizona

  1. Lichtenstein

  2. Marin County, CA

  3. Brooklyn, NY (V)

  1. Lille, France

  2. Los Angeles, CA

  3. Chicago, IL (male)

  1. New York (F)

  2. Sydney, Australia

  3. Plano, TX

  1. Central Coast, CA

  2. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  3. Hamburg, Germany

  1. Ontario, Canada

  2. Seattle, Washington

  3. Mumbai, India

  1. Sacramento, N. California

  2. Ahlahmbra, California (Los Angeles)

  3. Montrose, California (Los Angeles)

Alaya’s Notes

I’m ravenously eating stove popped popcorn with melted butter and homemade curry powder, wiping my fingers as I go so as not to stain my white keyboard. This has been happening again lately, something that happened a lot when I was first learning all this energy stuff—the ravenous hunger after journeys. But it’s been a while! So if you need a snack, go for it.

This was very potent and you all did great. It was easy to find you all, and most or all of your pets joined us as well. I thought, hmmmm, I need to add a question when you sign up about your pets.

Towards the end, in my awareness your young children joined. I was aware of the ones I know, the ones I’ve known since before you conceived them, and also the ones that came in before I met you. Before that, the “babies” on the inner planes were present and working with you, for those of you that are becoming, who desire to become mothers or fathers for the first time or again.

Sirius was the dominant star influence in my awareness, and of course Earth, Sun, Universal logos, and Nature.

About 1/4 of the way in I checked in with Pan, to see what Nature needed. I heard, “not yet.” So I followed the flows as they arose. And then around the mid-point, I heard, “now.” And the work we did this time for Nature was for the whole of the body of the Earth. The individuated aspects, yes, and I perceived that the ways you had intended were influencing this to a degree. I was aware of raptors at one point, and octopi, again, and whales, and rodents, along with all dogs again.

But more than this, I was holding the body of the earth in my awareness, working with Pan and allowing the energy we were generating to assist in the release of stuck and held energy in her body. Many beings were helping with this and it was organic.

Later in the session, my focus became close. Traveling through my own body, bringing more light and flow to tissues, organs, systems. I had the sense that this was happening for you, too, if you wanted and if that was appropriate, next, in alignment for you.

The energy was very powerful and for about 20 minutes I allowed them to organically peter out at the end of our hour session. And then was ravenous and made the popcorn and grabbed a Spindrift.

Beauty. We were encompassed by the pure tones of Beauty.

I received guidance to post a little meditation I read for my Your Personal Project Program. This is not my meditation. It’s from Gregg Braden’s book Wisdom Codes, and is also not his meditation, but that is where I discovered it. I do have a beauty meditation on the meditations page if you want more pure beauty transmissions. But my guidance was specifically to post the one I read, linked below after my signature.

In my version, I do guide you with how and where to place your awareness as you read the meditation, which I read in full at the end. In the beginning, I’m reading a line and setting up the transmission and way to organize your focus, helping you attune to pure beauty frequency in relation to your energy body.

Because I found this Navajo prayer online in several places, I think that it’s OK to share this. You can search for Navajo Beauty Prayer and find many lovely writings and audio. There is a link below to a streaming audio of my reading and transmission of beauty through this prayer which feels like a nice way to finish my notes.

You all did really well! Drink water and rest, eat if you are ravenous like me. Post your experiences when you are ready, I can’t wait to read how it was for you.



Navajo Beauty Prayer


Birthing Light Through Your Body and Physical Presence, Stewardship- Manifesting Skills I - J2


Mitochondria Upgrade- Connect with My Baby - J2