The Dance of Light and Matter

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Human Clinic October 26th 2023-General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

*Human Clinic is sold out for today. If you are trying to sign up, please sign up for the next session in November. See you then!

In this session

19 humans including me

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

En Route to Naples, Italy

Liechtenstein (4)

Detroit, Michigan

Lille, France (4)

Sacramento, California (2)

Central Coast, California (2)

Hamburg, Germany (2)

Wakefield, Massachussets

Pasadena, California

Seattle, Washington

Group Notes from Alaya

Good morning or afternoon depending on where you are. It’s just after 11am EST. I’ve opened the session and connected with each of you multi-dimensionally, your guides and councils too. It’s a spacious and loving energy today, with focus and clarity and so much more. I’m still reading through each of your intentions and taking notes.

12:40 pm EST. Ok I have completed reading through and working with you based on your intentions that you sent (or with you as your Divine Self-Soul if you didn’t send intentions), and am transitioning to the big nrg part next.

Today so far is less “thematic” than other times. I’ve spent a lot of time with each of you with your personal intentions and will see if noteworthy themes emerge in the nrg part.

In the energy together—

1:42 pm EST

A big column of light, like a big fountain. The children playing in it, so free and joyful.

Big soul love, soul tone and energy signature party. Bigger and bigger perspectives and expansion as each of us allowed our full soul’s light to express, emerge in the space. It was bigger than my awareness could hold, I kept stretching and surrendering more and more.

Finding the earth energies of each of your locations.

The baby beings who would like to come, the ones gestating, the ones here under one year, the toddlers and growing young children all present. The under one years still so connected to their radiant Selves, their pure light and higher perspectives. The older ones remembering, playing, expanding and en-Joying their fullness and being seen for who they really are.

Each of the adults getting stronger in their own energy signature, drinking in the solar light, attuning to the Central Spiritual Sun, the light of Higher Will and of Higher Purpose. Clarity, Trust, Harmony, Beauty, Vitality, Well-being, Alignment.

A real sense of being a community of light.

And then I was guided to find all the mountains, and then the bodies of water. I’m in the Great Lakes region of the US, and so started with fresh water bodies, and then oceans, and then it just folded into itself, a wave or a sense of overwhelming Love for Earth. And following that, the idea, almost too much for me to grasp, the Love Earth has for Humanity. The love of the Divine Mother, of Universal Love, all around us, all available. We as particles or aspects surrounded by ever expanding seas and oceans of Love. I stretched to see how can I perceive this? Surrender and allow? How can I receive this? How AM I this? How can I become this?

A part of me that knows, IS, and another part or aspect, the lower mind that tries to comprehend. The access is through the multi-dimensional heart. We are bridging these aspects today. The heart and mind, the lower and higher mind, the lower and higher selves, the Greater Consciousness.

I am worthy of this much Love.

I simply am this much Love.

There is no separation between Love and me.

This Divine Love between Earth and Humanity is the Love that transmutes and transcends all conflict, all fear, all suffering, all illness, all illusion, all lack, all separation.

One of the feelings or knowings I experienced was as achingly open my heart became, and as much love I wished to give Earth, as much love as humanly possible, it became clear to me that even more than that, bigger than that, Earth would love to give Love to me. Not just me of course, but you, and all of Humanity. Earth Loves Humanity. Unconditionally.

And then I was thinking about my Greater Consciousness and the perception that my little self has about World Service. Service to Earth and Humanity based in Love. On some level, the Universe opening to receive Earth’s Love. And all of this flow and exchange, giving and receiving, Being, resonating, existing in Love.

A sense of Abundance, yes. More than I or we could possibly receive or use. Always, always, always available in each moment, no separation.

We spent a lot of time in this Sea of Love and Connection, falling into it, acclimating, finding ourselves within it, understanding, surrendering, being.

And then we went into chakra attunement and balancing.

You might consider sitting in meditation for some moments when you read this, feeling and imagining your chakras. Going through each one. Asking your angels, guides, and/or higher self to assist you. Notice what you notice.

A beautiful group dance today. You all did GREAT.

It’s nearly 3pm. I’m going to take a little break, walk Mango, and resume with sending your personal notes.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic.




Pet Clinic is November 7th.

Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. Some of the notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic - November 6th, 2023