Pet Clinic July 10 2023 - General Notes

Thanks for the trust and for joining our fifteenth pet clinic.

Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Group notes will be posted below. I will upload audio notes on soundcloud when possible. Listen to the notes on Soundcloud.


(did you land here and aren’t sure what Pet Clinic is? You are welcome to scroll through captain’s log and read all the notes from prior sessions, and there is a lot of info on this main pet clinic page).

Join the core pack and never miss a session.

Today’s session:

13 animals including Mango

10 Dogs

3 Cats

The gallery is so awesome. Click and scroll to the bottom of the page to see them. It’s not always the same animals every session, but many do attend each month. If you do not see your animal there and would like for me to add them, email me.

Areas of the world represented:

Full year participants, 10 so far in the core pack:

Massachussetts, one dog

Liechtenstein, one dog

Lille, France two cats

Connecticut, two dogs

Takoma Park, MD, one dog

Pasadena, CA one cat

Sacramento, CA two dogs

Also joining this session:

Silver Spring, MD two dogs

Milton, VT one dog


10am Getting started. You’ll see our new dogs are in the middle of the core pack. Energy is coming in strong.

It’s noon…I’ve just completed speaking with the new dogs. What’s amazing to me is that I’ve finished with that and the core pack wants to get right into the energy work. “Who’s next?” And they are like —let’s do the energy part.

I’m going to read what each of you wrote first. Also, as in the picture, I feel the core pack a ONE, a unit or one energy even though I can discern their unique signatures, they are forming a body of one that is palpable or discernable to me. So I’m harmonizing the newbies with this. I know that the core pack is helping one another with vitality and thriving and believe their resonance also will support the new dogs. ALSO, one of the new dogs is adjusting to life with cats, and am told that our three core pack cats are going to help with this.

Almost 1pm. Short break and then the energy part. I started reading through all of your notes and ended up chatting with each of them. :) I have notes for each of you that I’ll send after the energy part in case something more comes to add from that.

2:10pm. I’ve finished with the energy portion of the session.

It was brilliant (in terms of the quality of light).

The main focuses for today included:

Structural healing and work for those that needed it.

Circuitry repair and balancing.

Dissolving, releasing things from the body that are not useful, restoring balance.

Clearing, healing old traumas from before you adopted or fostered them.

Drinking in the light and using it to heal and evolve for all of them.

And we did the connecting with their continuum of consciousness if that is the correct term for an animal —Pan says it is. We do this in every session. For example, as the session was drawing to a close I asked each one directly, and the guides I worked with on behalf of each one, if they received what they needed, if there was anything else. Everyone was all-clear/complete except for one of the cats. So we spent more time assisting him. One key for him was allowing him to find another aspect self (or incarnation) as a lion. I expected that his companion cat would have come in as the female mate or pride mate but instead, they were both males from the same pride. This connection was a key to the healing of what is going on and completion for this cat during this session.

In the case of an animal supporting a pregnant mom, we supported the shifting ecosystem and the recharging and nourishing the animal may need for all the changes in the energy of their home, and for all they do to contribute.

In this session, as we do in all sessions, we clear the animals from any entities or energies from their environments. I am like a broken record about this but there are new people who may not be familiar with this. As humans we have a lot of fogs or energies that we create or allow in our environments that are largely unconscious. These affect us also, and our animals absorb them as part of their service to us. So if there is tension or fear, arguments or illness in the home, your animal likely will help the environment by absorbing those energies—it’s not like a choice, it’s what nature does. Nature absorbs these emotional or mental energies. Their systems can get bogged down and so it’s useful and healing to release these energies from their bodies and system. We do that each pet clinic. I recommend doing this once per month (that is Pan’s recommendation) on your own or through Pet Clinic or some other resource you have.

I do usually work with the Planetary Logos, Solar Logs and Central Spiritual Sun. For some reason I’m being nudged to post that. These beings were very present and strong in this session.

As I mentioned the light we were working with was bright and brilliant, almost blindingly so. Very potent. All the animals drank their fill and used it how they needed. Just the right amount for them.

Prior to our session I’d looked up something about raptors, and did include these babies in my awareness at least once. There is a picture of a baby owl and a baby bald eagle on this page. They came to mind during the session. At this time, my contribution —our contribution to this cause— is light. I’m drawn to it and we’ll see. I guess in part of Vibrational Child and all the babies coming in now. Newborns, about to be born, pregnant in our human community. Seems like a nice marriage of all the human-nature-babies focus of our greater community landscape, and for whatever reason, maybe because of pet clinic, it came to my awareness today.

That is it for group notes. I’ll be sending you individual emails next. Feel free to comment below if you have anything to share.


Thank you for joining Pet Clinic!


Alaya and Mango

p.s. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do audio notes this month. Mango and I are traveling first thing in the morning. Just a head’s up as I know one of you in particular really likes the audio notes. I will do that for you if it’s in flow.


Note about the core pack and monthly sessions. First of all, thank you for signing up for those of you with animals in the core pack. This has provided stability for me energetically and logistically and I am grateful.

Why monthly sessions? In addition to the fact that your animals and Pan tell me it’s necessary, I am noticing an accumulated effect which we didn’t know to expect when we embarked on this adventure. They have formed a solid light together. It is easier to work with them, they shift more easily and receive more. One of you let me know that your dog, who in the very first pet clinic over a year ago told me she was ready to die, is doing well and that the vet and neighbors have all commented on her coat and her well-being and how improved it seems. I think that is testament to the core pack vitality and buoyancy, being held in a steady light from month to month, receiving the space and light to be and self-heal each month. I continue to be grateful and feel happy about this creation of Pet Clinic. Thank you for saying yes and providing me with feedback as we go along.

Human Clinic is July 27th. Please sign up as soon as you know. Human Clinic is for you. When you keep yourself clear and balanced, it helps your animals so much. They are relieved of needing to absorb some of those extra energies or patterns in service to you. Remember to take care of yourself too, which indirectly also takes care of all in your sphere including your pets.


Human Clinic July 27th 2023- USA - General Notes


Human Clinic July 3rd 2023- USA - General Notes