A Repository of Suffering - St. Augustine, Florida

repository /rĭ-pŏz′ĭ-tôr″ē/


  1. A place where things may be put for safekeeping.

  2. A warehouse.

  3. A museum.

It’s November 22nd, 2023.

As I approached St. Augustine on November 19th I heard, “a repository of suffering.”

I was driving. Primarily I was paying attention to directions, and yet my mind heard this and on a side track, began looking for something to anchor, organize that into a meaning or understanding. The understanding is still coming.

This is my second attempt in St. Augustine, my second time drawn to be here. This time I was able to stick it. To find a place to settle and stay. A year and a half ago I got drawn in and spit out, this time, nearly.

This time I had some trepidation anticipation due to my last experience of being here and really not liking it at all. This time I am beginning to love it.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot to like. People love it here. The beach is beautiful, the weather is warm, there are beautiful trees and buildings, and much to learn and experience. The people are kind.

When I arrived and as I began to feel the energy, I heard the phrase “repository of suffering.”

I hadn’t looked up the meaning yet, and didn’t have any conscious understanding of what this meant in relation to this place, other than the way I felt. It is coming into view now, a few days in. Staying here required energy work on the first night, and every day since, in preparation for the upcoming Human Clinic tomorrow, as well as the current placement on my Earth Sessions journey.

Some back story, context.

In California, there is a portal, a golden orb off the coast, along the coast, and veins of golden luminous light running through the leylines. In a recent session with one of the children who came through the Vibrational Child World vortex and portal, he showed me this golden light from a very high perspective, high off the body of the earth. Like an astronaut view. It was enormous and bright, easily visible from higher realms. I marveled at it. He said matter of fact, “You opened that.”

He explained how it helped him get here, and how it was helping his sibling, a little girl, get here next. His mom is not yet pregnant with this next child, the girl.

And of course I knew this that he showed me and shared at some level. Yet consciously, I hadn’t experienced it from their eyes yet or understood it’s value and meaning.

His showing me this added context to the journey Mango and I have been on over the last years. We’ve moved and traveled a lot, doing energy work everywhere we go. We’ve cleared massacres held in mountains and delivered stuck souls to the light from individual homes. We’ve helped human and animal clients heal and liberate and integrate their own past life aspects and/or embedded entities, some of whom were stuck and dead affecting their physical, mental and emotional health.

When this little one showed me the golden portal in California, I began examining “how” I “opened” that. It’s related to our work of liberating the stuck dark energy from matter, guiding it to the light when it’s ready.

From 2000-2020 I lived predominantly in California. Many classes, courses, private sessions and my own evolution transpired in this region of the United States. Vibrational Child was born and raised in Santa Monica, California.

I used to sit on the beach every day and call in the energy, work with the guides that were co-creating Vibrational Child with me. One of them was a female rainbow child spirit that at one point I thought might come to me as my child. It turns out she and I had work to do, and when Vibrational Child was at a certain developmental stage, she receded from being my constant companion and co-creatrix. As she receded, she said to me, “This is yours now.”

While all of that set the stage and was essential, in 2016-2017 there was some specific work I did in Venice, CA having to do with very dark condensed and compressed energy at the coast and in the ocean, as well as along certain lines and at certain nodes in other areas of California where darkness had gathered, stagnated, become dense.

There is more I could say about this, more stories having to do with sinkholes and the impact of this energy on specific humans who needed help to be free of it. For the sake of this contextual cliff notes, suffice it to say that with a lot of help from my guides and at times in partnership with a colleague of mine, much of this energy was transmuted, liberated into light, released safely and much balance, the divine blueprint of this Earth aspect restored.

The dense, very dark, concentrated energy was powerful. The access to the vortex was right in my apartment—it was so intense I could barely function (one healer who was helping me from the Bay Area on the phone would say, “how can you even stand up in there?” It was making her dizzy). The bulk of it was right off the coast from my place—-stuck in the body of the Earth. It took some time but I released and helped into the light. Apparently this created a huge portal of light, filled in with Divine Love and Light, balanced with the Earth and Nature. Connected with other important points and lines of light to stabilize and clear other vortices or centers of light throughout California and the Country.

I’ve experienced and facilitated “smaller” versions of this kind of transmutation, where souls have been stuck and dead or where souls have become so lost they are truly in darkness—this could be just at a home or piece of land— and then are supported and loved back into wholeness.

When that energy is released from a home or land or a human body that has been it’s repository, I sometimes see or experience that a portal is created. And that portal will offer the light quality of what the darkness had been.

In other words, if the darkness had to do with fear, then the portal will have to do with Love. If the darkness had to do with disempowerment, the portal will be one of Empowerment.

Yes, we can transmute suffering or dark sinkholes in our homes into portals of love or creativity!

We can do that for our homes, our bodies. And if we are called, if we are invited by the leyline masters, the council and guides, we may be able to do this for a larger realm. It’s not something we decide to do from our personality or our ego. This is a job, a Purpose, a world service, a calling.

Sidenote—if you mentally decide that you have “ghosts” or spirits in your house and you want them gone, and then you burn sage, you might annoy or relocate a “ghost” or entity, but from my perspective and experience to date, you aren’t actually helping anyone except maybe yourself temporarily.

In my experience, there is always a resonance between that entity and your home and you. There is something of value to be learned, healed, evolved. There is value in being present with it and actually creating an opportunity for transmutation and healing, so that that ghost or entity can go to the light, be free. Love and Grace will shower upon you, you and your home will be blessed, and you may experience healing.

So in the last, most recent Human Clinic in Athens/Atlanta, we were working with the entirety of the Southeast region having to do with slavery, bondage. And our contribution of light transmutation and restoring balance and the divine blueprint then influences harmonics, patterns opportunities and creates, created, begins to open and hone a portal of Freedom.

Again, and it feels important to reiterate, from my perspective this is not something I am choosing or you are chooosing to initiate to do from an egoic place. It is something I am called to do, and called to invite those who resonate to join, to open to receive, to exchange energy, to co-create through clinics, sessions, classes.

It is a great orchestration. There are many beings involved, many not from our earth dimension. And this orchestration is important, because of the balance and stability required, the impact of the work that is well beyond Human-Nature-Earth.

When you participate, you are bringing your personality and your soul, your ancestral and soul lineage, as well as your part of the world into the mix and matrix of what is unfolding. By doing this, you are receiving and owning your part in this evolution. You are evolving into resonance with the liberated version of these patterns.

In this or other lifetimes you may have been swept into these currents, having chosen them as part of your Earth curriculum of Mastery. You may have added some mass to the darkness, making it denser, more concentrated, adding to the collective suffering. You may be suffering due to resonating with some of the collective, impersonal thoughts and emotions that are impure and need to be evolved and liberated. This could be you in this life, or a “past-life” aspect, an ancestor, or your part of the world and where you are resonating in this life.

When you actively choose to join, and especially when you have your own skills and consciousness, a commitment to your own personal growth, your own Divine Purpose, and a commitment to playing your role in a Group Work, World Service, this expands, enhances, enriches the work.

It is within each one of us this opportunity for liberation, to walk with Earth and to be self-responsible for our role in the One Work of Light. And that role could be discovering your own Oneness. In the microcosm that is you, to open to receive and give Love to all your aspects, help them all go to the light, and bring them all into resonance, updating as Earth and Humanity evolve as One.

We include Nature in our work. If you have kept up with what is happening in Pet Clinic, if you read the most recent notes you can even read about it from a dog’s perspective which might make more sense than when I explain and share, or when Pan does in other notes from our sessions. In Pet Clinic, the animals and I working in partnership. A human-nature partnership that is addressing some of this evolutionary play from a different perspective. It is an important balancer and aspect of the wholeness of what is happening here at Dance of Light and Matter.

All of this brings me back to the moments I have experienced since I’ve been here in St. Augustine. How the picture is coming into focus. Each day and night I’m encountering new, more layers of energy that I’m asked to work with.

I’m jotting down some highlights below of the specific “stories” that I’ve been working on leading up to Human Clinic.

The work here to my personality feels dramatic, massive. And what I knew when that little child showed me the portal in California, was that there were more portals to open, more earth paths to light up.

We’ve been working on that all along, here and there, big stories and little stories over the last years.

Arriving here, the concentration of dense dark energy had me nearly want to wretch. I found it difficult to settle my body here for a few nights. I took some breaths, called a good friend who helped me work through it, and found a place to stay. I knew it was important.

Another big portal will be here?


It will balance and align with the one in California. And it looks like there is off the coast of Portugal, from work I did while I was there, as well as some work I did prior to arriving with one of the Mama Birds from Your Divine Path of Mothering.

And do you know that —and this maybe is just my mind making things up and liking patterns—but there is a devotion to the Virgin Mary and her role as Divine Mother right on the water in St. Augustine?

Of course there is.

The Divine Mother welcomes all.

Earth has welcomed and held space for all. The dark and the light. There is Love and Grace for all. For all of us. For you and me and all the parts that came before, the ones that created beauty and art and life and the ones that destroyed it.

Can a “repository of suffering” become a Portal of Bliss?

Yes. I think so.


Night one—energy work but not conscious of the content, but it allowed for me to sleep and feel better and go into the city of St. Augustine and enjoy the next day.

Night two-soldier and horse, battle of hundreds. Anger, rage, turning into harmony, grace, understanding and acceptance. Virgin Mary administering to ALL, all being healed in preparation for going to the light, reunification with soul, not only one side of soldiers. When the outraged soldier saw this, he wept. He understood the value of the others being equal to his own.

The soldier and horse went to the light together. The horse was loyal, waiting for the master, had thought himself abandoned, not knowing his master had died.

The land cleared, healed, balanced and restored as the Divine Blueprint free of all of this held, stuck human emotion and thought.

Night three-

Not personal, just the energy pattern that affects humanity. The theme of suicide, deep isolation and despair. 

This feels very important regarding self-love, self-worth, acceptance of others, the ability to open to love. This feels very important regarding the portal opening and stabilizing.

Last night I was awakened and worked for hours on this. It was very dense. Over the hours I got a LOT of clarity and freedom in this stuck energy wad and my understanding is we will continue evolving this pattern in the clinic. 

This started with a past life aspect of mine showing up who needed help, and then all the aspects of my soul who either was tempted or acted on this, plus this is in my lineage, my grandfather committed suicide.  This then ballooned into billions of souls, across time, around the globe. An acquaintance of mine who recently died this way also joined. 

As I was working my thoughts included that if you have ever contemplated or been seduced by the feeling of suicide, have suicide in your lineage, or a past life aspect did this, it might be important for you to join. I realize that is a little heavy and this is Thanksgiving. It is what it is. I am the messenger. 

What I found were so many thoughts and emotions involved in this pattern that are not/were not personal. More like a soup. That souls get seduced by or engulfed by these thoughts, and if there is the lack of self worth or despair, or a pattern in the lineage, it's like a magnet and can be very hard to become free and find the light. 

In my work last night, there was so much love and acceptance for each soul who had experienced and acted on this. 

Many of them have already gone to the light. And there are more. We are working to transmute and evolve these thoughts and emotions for all Humanity. 


Human Clinic December 4th 2023-General Notes


Human Clinic November 23rd 2023-General Notes