Human Clinic Sept 28th 2023-General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

In this session

20 humans including me.

Session is sold out if you are trying to sign up, sign up for the next session please, thanks. You can also refer to the playlist section for self-study and are welcome to read the notes.

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Armenteira, Spain

Liechtenstein (4)

Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Lille, France (4)

Ridgefield, Connecticut (2)

Woburn, Massachussets

Wakefield, Massachussets

Block Island, Rhode Island

Sacramento, California (2)

Seattle, Washington

Central Coast, California (2)

Pre-Session Note

On my playlist last night and this morning.

Last night Self as Source II

J2: Body Relationship: Pure Essence

J7: Stardust Spirals (examining and experiencing the mutli-dimensional pathways of our greater light interfacing with our physical presence on earth)

This morning Evolutionary Brain

J4: Body and Divine Self Flow and Interface

All of these journeys functioned incredibly well together and I suspect will carry through to our session today, giving me an idea of some of what we will be experiencing and working on today.

About my location in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

I was quite comfortably set up in a hotel in St. Paul, Minnesota yesterday. When I travel I know that wherever I am for the night before a pet or human clinic, I will need to stay for at least 2 nights, and staying there was very tempting. However, the night before (Tuesday night) it became clear I needed to check out the next day.

The guidance was Wisconsin. But where? As best I could tell it was straight East and seemed like Appleton, Wisconsin. But I looked at the hotels and they were either sold out or 3x/price. And my sleuthing mind figured out there is a Packers game today! Sure enough, that was the case. So I decided that I would not go to Appleton, because I didn’t want to deal with the energy or pay the jacked up hotel costs. I headed toward another town.

And then my check engine light went off. I pulled off the road at the first exit and the very nice mechanic at the Ice Cream Shop/Car Wash/Mechanic and tire shop (literally all the same shop) in Withee, WI was SO kind and helped me out as best he could. Seemed safe to drive. But I should go to the dealer when I can. And the nearest dealer is guess where. APPLETON.

So, more to say but I found a hotel in nearby Oshkosh and need to run out here in a moment to take my car to the dealer this morning. YES they could take me today. And this morning in meditation I connected with the Leyline Masters and Council and Guides of this area (see the home albums —we do this in both courses I believe). I was called here to do this work here today. It’s not about living here (which adorably, I often think).

Side note-Mary just commented to me that apparently this particular Packers game is a huge deal because they are playing their rival, and thus, tons of people are tuning in all over the country in addition to all the folks in all the sold out hotels in the area around here—a lot of energy focused here today!

Group Notes from Alaya

It’s noon fifteen Central time and I’ve finished the energy part of the session. HUGE energy as I expected.

We worked with all of the leyline masters and councils in each of the areas where you are and this felt powerful and important. And important for me to be here having to do with the Great Lakes in part, but also, something else I haven’t yet put my finger on. There is an airshow huge event here each year and for some reason this is relevant. My hotel is near the airfield where this is held. People come from all over the world.

Several of us are in a transition of place and so I inquired about including our current and next places, if that was useful, where we will be landing for a time or settling.

The rooms in the Human Clinic Inner Planes space, it looks like a convention center at this point. LOL.

  • Masters and Guides ~ Temple of the Masters

  • Healing Tables and Crystal Room

  • Purpose alignment, calibration, infusion

  • A Movie Room! Complete with excitement and popcorn! More about this in a minute—I’m trying to remember everything.

  • Vibrational Child Interface, room for souls who wish to come through this gateway

  • Related to the above but also healing-room and Purpose adjacent—for the newly arrived. Having to do with mechanics of being here, soul and source embodiment, etc. (probably in part why I was listening to Self as Source II which is pathways for Source embodiment as well as evolutionary brain. Those are also for me as I continue to assist my physical lower mind self to function in harmony and in sync and alignment and flow with my own Source self at many levels).

I had a sense of multiple corridors and centers with different purpose and foci, and you were drawn to your places when you first entered the space and may have visited more than one of these spaces.

It was very sweet because a lot of the kids first rushed to the movie room and then some went to Purpose or Masters and Guides. And one little boy asked if he could stay in the center hub with me. We held hands. And then he explored the spaces as drawn, but we spent time together first and that was important for his needs today.

And that is how it is and was. Each of you discerning what you needed, drinking in that spot maybe staying there or completing and then going to the next place. And/or your avatars in multiple places at once.

Toward the end and also throughout, I spent time with each of you individually. I am unlikely to remember everything we talked about and everything we did in this one on one time together. Ask your own Self to recall and likely you already have recalled it or know it coming out of your session time. If it’s important for you to know at the conscious personality level, you will.

Things included looking at Purpose, body-continuum alignment and healing. Predominantly those things in our one on one focus time.

Ok so the movie. I’m really looking forward to reading your notes from this one in part because it was just huge and kept expanding and I’m curious what you saw and experienced. And second because of this movie situation. It came in strong early on, and my sense was it was having to do with Human Evolution, Earth and beyond. It seemed like a big teaching and exciting information, and that we as a group were receiving but also you individually were receiving important pieces pertaining to your roles and multi-dimensional consciousness and in general downloads about Earth and Humanity.

Because a significant number of you recently took the Soul Love Partnership class, and more than one of you intended continued support for integration, this soul love field or grid was very present and everyone was resonating and learning and taking their individual next steps in being there as a normal or letting go of what is in the way of being there, opening pathways, clearing energies, opening the heart, finding the grid and the resonance, etc. Right now Part I is available as self-study. I haven’t had a chance to do much with that and have not added Part II yet as self study.

The children worked together as they sometimes do. They joined hands, formed a group. They were learning about embodiment, and there were different streams in my awareness even with the children. Like the newborns and gestating ones were looking at things like body mechanics and embodiment and purpose, and the older children (still quite young) looking at the movie, the purpose, and other work we were doing together that I cannot name (because I don’t have words). And then the ones still yet to come also engaged differently. But with all of that a sense of specific flows for the children. I love observing and experiencing this when this happens, which seems to be during these flows when several children are joining. Today we had 9 children in bodies and more loosely—several more on their way to you.

More has come through over the last days, about respect. Self-respect and respect for others. About clear communication, speaking your truth with kindness and respect for yourself and for others.

And about unevolved Solar Plexus energy, the old ways of telepathy through the solar plexus. About releasing held and stuck emotions and thoughts from the body, organs, system. I know this was worked on during the clinic for at least some folks, if not all.

If you have a lot of held and stuck emotions or thoughts in your body, emotions, mind, auric, etheric levels, then it will cloud, fog, block or in some way interfere with your clear connection with the higher levels of your own consciousness as well as making it very difficult or impossible to clearly hear guidance from Self or Guides.

So it would make sense if this energy flushed up and out. I have said for years something I learned from my therapist in my 20’s. “Love is a roto-rooter.” We all know this from experiences of falling in love. First it’s all wonderful and then the scared parts feel safe and start to come out to see if it’s safe, will I be loved? These clinics are huge Divine Love. And so it would make sense if things instantaneously heal in that Divine light, or if things are flushed up to be seen and loved, on the way to your healing and creating goals.

If you have a clear and strong intention about clearly relating to your guides or clearly knowing your purpose and next steps, then the next step may be dealing with these energies. That is likely the most efficient path to the goal.

We can experience instantaneous healing, absolutely. And other times, it’s not best to bypass or eliminate what our soul has so diligently created. Our soul created the circumstances for a reason! I always assume the genius of the situation, even if it doesn’t make sense or look or feel pretty or good to us.

If you are in a situation like ongoing health crisis, ongoing relationship conflicts or something else, then how can you face and embrace that.

What is here for me to learn?

What is the genius of this?

How is this perfect and Divine?

Is it time for me to simply transmute and move on? (could be a yes! And in that case, where is the attachment or resistance, how can you let go?)


Is there a gem here for me to learn, something to Master that my soul really wants me to have, that is part of my divine plan?

If so, what are my next steps here?

Now that I am aware of this, may I be released from these “symptoms” and continue to study and work on the pattern (of health or situation) or do I need to move through this until it’s complete?

In order to attain the clarity about Purpose, next steps, partnership with light beings, etc, it’s imperative to keep evolving the solar plexus functioning. It’s essential to clear your system and take responsibility for how you are maintaining the homeostasis of the fog or disconnection.

Some “healers” will remove a pattern from the body. But the soul will only replace it with something more challenging to remove! Your soul will keep creating the circumstances to achieve the learning objectives. If you need a rest from the symptoms or situations, ask for a rest. If you want to move forward to your goals, you might need a rest, or you might need to hunker down, to surrender and allow what is coming up and moving through to do so, being kind to yourself and the others in your life as best you can, as you do.

It’s imperative to keep loving your body, mind and emotions, connecting with your soul and higher every single day.

Processes and affirmations such as those offered in John Randolph Price books or A Course in Miracles year-long course (daily readings for one full year. Miss a day, go back to the beginning) may be useful if you are a mental kind of person. Journaling can be very helpful to untangle mental and emotional stuck energies. Movement practices also useful. Hopefully you know the kinds of things that work for you, but also as we grow, consider opening to new practices too.

Acupuncture can be very supportive for the organs, which correspond to emotion, and this can help create release, balance, flow and the ability for the energies to come into a new homeostasis. This Human Clinic energy can act like a roto-rooter to clear and flush up things for us to see that are a part of our energy field or system. This may be a huge relief, or may be uncomfortable. This may reveal our next steps and these steps may be rainbow and unicorn-y or may be very brass tacks—like eat differently, address relationship issues, exercise, journal, etc.

The other thing I’ve been studying is the relationship of the liver and the kidneys. Anger and fear. If anger causes you to withdraw in fear, or if fear causes you to lash out in anger—I’m just curious about these dynamics and how the other organs then can support and balance the whole system. Is there a loving expanded way of being present with these organs to help them function optimally?

And also then, the very stuck energies and patterns at the cellular level. Does the cellular level or other levels know that it is not their role to receive and hold other people’s anger? Can you love them and let them know they can have love?

There is so much more that we worked on and these are some things coming through from notes I’ve received, and also awareness of how the clinic is functioning on the inner planes this month. I’ve continued to be drawn to the Self as Source materials.

These are all things we worked on —if it was appropriate for you. Remember your Soul and Greater Consciousness, guides and council are in charge of what you receive and your process of integration and digestion. Your role includes reaching out into the gap and doing what you can through your intentions, practices and asking for these connections.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic.




Pet Clinic is October 9th.

Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. Some of the notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic - October 2nd, 2023


Pet Clinic October 9 2023 - General Notes


Pet Clinic September 12 2023 - General Notes