On Saturday we had our Place and Home class in the Past Life Series. It was a doozy. And the next morning I had a nudge to dive into the Creating Home album and invite the students who took that class initially and anyone who wants to work with this album to go through it with me. A few have said yes. You are welcome to join in anytime that is right for you, too.

My plan is to listen to each of the 12 journeys (I call the mp3 meditation-transmissions “journeys”) in order and report my experiences. It’s an experiment. Things unfold over time and I’m curious to see what happens by revisiting. I started yesterday and had a sort of mind-blowing experience that I will share in the This is My Home post.

This morning I giggled thinking of creating a Captain’s Log, so here we are. I’ll post each journey as a separate post. One vision I have is that I’ll go through all the albums I’ve created from classes I’ve taught, as if I’m adventuring through time and space with everyone who has listened already and will ever listen in the future, thus a Captain’s Log.

If you are working with these too or wish to, feel free to join the adventure, jump into the river along with me in my timing or in your own timing, and add your experiences as a comment. All you need is the album.

The course is set for our first mission: Creating Home.


This is My Home - Creating Home J1