The Beauty and The Mess (I Am Ready)- Connect with My Baby - J4

If you would like to participate, all you need is the album, an open mind and heart, and a little bit of time.

Choose a course, put it on, share your experience and connect with Alaya and others who are studying these courses. Keep it simple. If you need help, Listening tips. (plus there is a fuller participation guide here).

Alaya’s notes

8am 7/1

I did this yesterday, but it was a busy day and a BIG energy day as the vortex of The Human AND Pan & The Dragons completed and there is a whole energy experience that goes with that (powerful seeding and pollinating), and it wasn’t in flow for me to post. So, I’m going to go do this one again. :) And also, there is the next Manifesting Skills journey dropping today, which has to do with Magnetic Heart, which I know will be a biggie too.

8:43 am 7/1

Ok! This one is wonderful, powerful, and if you cross over please listen again and again as you are guided.

In the beginning, I felt my third eye pulsing, my focus and awareness were drawn to my third eye. And I became aware of discourse on vision and support for finding my higher vision. And then the journey shifted, my energy became more illumined full bodied feeling of birthing the vision.

When the journey goes into exploring I Am Ready, I found different layers, levels and experiences of this. I was working on my visions and creations and became aware of a thread or tone in the I Am Ready that felt more like forcing or stubborn, rather than a soft allowing alignment. And so I surrounded that with my awareness, a gentle “oh hello” to that tone, and after encompassing that with my awareness, non-judgmental embracing of that, I felt my right hip flexor tingle and open, energy flowing and down my leg.

There was so much in this journey. I can see why I needed to listen 2x before being able to clearly post something, especially with everything going on in the energy right now.

I feel energized and and really supported for my own creations, as well as excited for YOU who are diving into these in earnest. The whole part of I Am Ready song in sync with your babies, I’m just really curious how this was for those of you co-creating with your children to be.

Remember, you can work with these regardless of your particular path to motherhood. I think this journey could really support opening and surrendering, aligning with your divine plan for ideal ways to come together with your family members in space and time, divine flow for all involved.

I’ve pushed the schedule for the next journey in this album out a few days to give myself and others a chance to digest and/or catch up. It’ll post next Monday. xx


Multi-dimensional Heart, Becoming Magnetic, Healing the Body: Earth and Human- Manifesting Skills I - J4


Pure Manifestations, Evolutionary Relevance and Leadership- Manifesting Skills I - J3