Pure Manifestations, Evolutionary Relevance and Leadership- Manifesting Skills I - J3

If you would like to participate, all you need is the album, an open mind and heart, and a little bit of time.

Choose a course, put it on, share your experience and connect with Alaya and others who are studying these courses. Keep it simple. If you need help, Listening tips. (plus there is a fuller participation guide here).

Alaya’s notes

Wow. Well this was a doozy, too. There was something about the initial pacing of this one that I found restful and calming, in that deep sinking sort of way. And I rested just on the edge of the awake-sleep border for a long time.

I felt a lot of sensations, a sense of a gentle re-ordering, gentle affirmations and shoring up of my own discernment and navigation system, validations of what I know and how I have learned to choose and follow the energy and trust my guidance as an adult, different than how I was taught as a baby and young child. It felt like so many reinforcements, gentle and subtle.

At some point I crossed over, and came back just as the journey was finishing up. I felt filled in and nourished. Safe. My cocoon felt more plump. I got a snack, and came to post.


The Beauty and The Mess (I Am Ready)- Connect with My Baby - J4


Strengths, Hopes, Needs- Connect with My Baby - J3