The Dance of Light and Matter

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Human Clinic May 1st 2023- Porto, Portugal - General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

Listen to audio notes on Soundcloud. (when available)

In this session

11 Humans including me.

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Sacramento, California

Los Angeles, California

New York, New York

Wakefield, Massachussetts

Woburn, Massachussetts

Ottawa, Canada

Lille, France

Porto, Portugal


Group Notes from Alaya

Prefer to listen to the notes? (I’ll post when you can access these, when I’m able to do so).

This has been a ginormous energy session. Please be gentle with yourselves. If you need help or less intense—ask for 3-5 guides or angels to come around you and help you.

I did that and for me it was 5. I asked for you and got 3-5. So just ask for the right amount for you. 


Ola. It’s 12:42 local time. I’ve been going since 8am local time. More to share. This is going to be an all day affair. (ha! that rhymed!)

I need to move hotels and will pick it up again this afternoon. I’ve done nrg sessions and periods of chakra balancing and integration in between.


2:30 PM

I am across the Douro River in the City Center of Porto. It feels very different here, and feels important for some reason to be straddling the river for the session today.

Themes today include:

A continuation of shifting out of/releasing the Mantle of Suffering and the grid of human suffering as our experience on Earth.

This has looked different for each of us, with some shared spaces. With each of you there was a moment or section of the session where I held your hand and opened a space for you to see your own body and system from my perspective or the guides perspective or that of your soul or Divine Self. A view of your energy body, body, what is going on inside, where the energy is flowing or not flowing. And then we would observe together. Sometimes I would then start working with you, showing you, in other cases I left you for a while to sit with that and see what you wanted to do. Or we turned it over to your Higher Self aspects of consciousness.

For some it was clearing energy shapes or blocks in particular areas of your system. For others it may have been a lost and forgotten small self aspect who needed a lot of love and to be re-integrated, fully valued and accepted, and brought into your heart for that integration. Later I saw you in pillars or cocoons or spirals of your own Divine Light.

After a time, I noticed a big space—it looked like an airport hangar in that it was huge with a polished concrete floor. And I saw you walking into it and we were all like, hmmmm, what is this? My sense was that this group, this particular gathered group was /is important for this shift for us personally but also for the Earth and Humanity. In this hangar space, I had the feeling it was an invitation into what’s next after releasing Mantle of Suffering. What is your role on Earth? What is your Purpose or next path to choose or receive as a kind of map or assignment from a higher aspect of your being.

This space recurred in my awareness during the session.

It was clear to me also that our bodies need to relearn and re-acclimate to living without the suffering, the attachments. There was a feeling or confusion or even survival level fear of “Won’t I die if I don’t have this? How does the body live without this?” And so that defined another huge section of the session. Working with Pan and many beings of light to assist you to release those attachments and to orient to a different way of being connected.

A lot of work for everyone in the first and second chakras. This actually came before that hangar space I think, but also interwoven or simultaneous sequencing outside of time. I’m remembering things in the order I am remembering.

—I’m going to take a little back story detour here to set up the next thing, very important thing that it took me all morning to figure out—

I did not sleep last night. I was shivering freezing cold, chills and in so much pain. Headache and body aches. This is unusual for me, I am a good sleeper. I wondered if it was sun poisoning/heat/dehydration or if I picked up something on the travels. There was this bizarro dreamstate experience of tracing paths and feeling this excruciating pain. It was like going back and forth between the little street tiles in Lisbon, the rivers of these pathways tracing in between the tiles, but in all kinds of patterns and for long distances, sometimes tracing back a path and sometimes a new path. I didn’t understand it.

Morning came and I had a migraine. The kind where you can barely open your eyes and are very nauseated. The chills had subsided. I have not eaten anything all day. I thought that my symptoms must be related to the Clinic and so I started early, around 8am. The session has been incredibly powerful and clear, despite my personal discomfort. For that I am grateful. I got a late checkout and stayed at the old hotel until 2, and then came straight to the new hotel which is where I am now.

So before packing up my hotel room, I took a shower. And in the shower I had a thought.

Is it the Camino?

Another backtrack—Portugal as a presence has been incredibly strong in this session. Like a very strong being who is a dominant presence in my awareness for the whole of the session. Strong, tall, powerful. I asked what there was to receive, what there was to give when I first became aware of this presence.

So yes, it turns out it was the Camino I was experiencing. If you aren’t familiar (I wasn’t) there are pathways that all flow into one another throughout Europe. This dates back to Jesus’ time and his death, my understanding (and I am not googling this so correct me if you know differently—this is what I recall from some friends I met who did the Camino in Portugal). St. James walked and spread the message of Jesus and processed his grief about the cruicifixion as he walked all around Europe. For centuries, people walk the Camino for many reasons, a large one being to process grief. I believe I was feeling/experiencing all the (well no way all b/c that would have been too much for my body), the grief that humans have released into Nature along the Caminos.

In the session, our process of clearing the suffering —releasing the held emotions, the familial emotions, the traumas, the grief and suffering—releasing it from the tissues of the body with Pan’s help and many other beings as well. It’s a delicate business requiring a lot of awareness about balance, harmony and stability so the system is safe and comfortable, stable and balanced.

We did that (all of the above stuff) from about 8am to 11:30. After my shower at noon until 12:40, I did round 2 or 3 of nrg with the intention specifically to clear Portugal and all of the land and Nature of Europe, of this grief and suffering that had been worn into the veins of the Earth over and over again throughout time.

After I was finished, I asked Pan if it was done. Pan said no, but it was what I/we needed to do. My/our part is finished. They will take it from there. I hear it’s 70% clear, which is more than they hoped for. I see the Portuguese being in a reverent pose, thanking me/us for this service.

I also remember working some with the human-nature relations or human consciousness here in Portugal. Also there was a lot of work with leyline masters and councils. Each of your areas—we brought in the beings from your areas. Portugal is a beautiful country. And I’ve been so surprised at the number of smokers. It causes me to want to say “everyone smokes” but of course that isn’t true. There are cigarette butts everywhere—in the grass, in the street. People throw beer cans and bottles in the grass. And the food is predominantly meat and fish and bread which has made it very difficult for me to nourish myself here. And so there was something about respecting Nature that I inquired about, brought in and recall in these spaces this morning.

Another thing to add is that one of our participants today is mid-pregnancy. My experience every time I tuned in was that you, N being in your body and baby spanning that freedom space, were resonating the new space. The new way of being in the body. That your baby is/was supported to incarnate free, and the energy you are spanning with baby was opening a door or showing the way as we all were clearing our lifetimes of gunk toward freedom.


OH AND… as I’m writing the individual notes I’m remembering about clearing veils or goo from our third eyes and physical eyes. I was saying—”I am willing to hear, I am willing to know, I am willing to see” as this was happening.

I will be very interested to read all of your notes.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic!




Pet Clinic is May 18th.

Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. The notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic - May 25th 2023 (pls sign up now or no later than May 24th).