Human Clinic February 23 2023 - General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

Listen to audio notes on Soundcloud.

In this session

15 Humans including me

(That number includes 5 littles as part of that count. Not part of that count but included in the session— two gestating now (2 of you are known to be pregnant) building their bodies and a bunch —at least 6 by my count of spirit-level preconception —included but not adding to the #count of participants in this session).

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Pasadena, CA

Central Coast, CA

Sacramento, CA

Takoma Park, MD

Providence, RI

Lille, France


Hamburg, Germany

Group Notes from Alaya

Prefer to listen to the notes? Click to listen.


10:05 AM EST getting started!

10:50 AM

Have read and first look at your intentions, about to start the group nrg part. Lie down when it works for you to receive this or join me now.

11:54 AM

Wow so much, clear, potent energy and focus and fun and flow for us all during that nrg session.


World Service guides for all for whom that is next or important, including the littles. Meaning—your HUGE world service guides coming in to connect and blend, to help you attune, align and come into conscious awareness to the degree it’s useful, creating alignment and clarity about your next steps.

For some I noticed the focus was on creating the awareness in you about this guide and creating the pathways for connection. For others I noticed you were having a meeting with them. For the littles it was such an easy connection and they were all in meeting or blending and resonating with theirs.

If you are interested in a conscious connection with this guide of yours, set your intention. If you have really been focused on a particular guide, see if you can open your awareness. Is there another guide that is there for me that is next? This World Service guide may be “bigger” or a different resonance than you are accustomed to. See if you can stretch your awareness beyond your normal container size or field of awareness. You did it in the session, so see if you can bring that through to your conscious level.

World Service guides are the ones we focus on in Partnership with Light Beings and I am hopeful to have the green light to schedule this course later in the year, possibly in person in Europe. We’ll see.

A medical ward opened up in the Human Clinic space. New guides and beings specifically of a “medical” nature coming in to work with those of you who needed that for any reason—chronic, acute, serious or minor.

Upgrading microbiome, the consciousness of the little beings who are a part of your physical balance and homeostasis upgrading according to who you are now.

In most cases I was working with you myself, hands on your body and working with your body and system for a time. And I would reach a point, like a click, where another guide would say thank you and take it from there. I know that my physical resonance as a human being is VERY helpful for you and your guides and these beings on the inner planes. My role is multi-faceted and includes this function as bridge, interface, interpreter, resonator.

Mental clarity and evolving the mind. A few of you mentioned this in your intentions so I spent time really creating mental flow in my own system and then including you in my awareness so that your system could figure out how to resonate and create that for yourselves. That may be very powerful for you or more subtle. Same applies below.

Emotional flow, evolving the emotional body, helping create flow where you are frightened and/or stuck, sometimes lifting and releasing stuck energies from your body.

Similar to in pet clinic and related to above, we spent time in the session helping to free you from stuck emotions, thoughts, patterns and energies that were never yours, that you absorbed from others or took on. You may have done this in service to them or it could have been unconsciously done.

The energy may also be from your own responses to things, what you choose to resonate with, what you came in with to learn and experience and attract to ensure that you will fulfill your soul’s learning objectives, and the way you process your life experiences and who is in your life.

Freeing the emotions and evolving your emotional body clears the way for your World Service and your vitality.

When the emotions are not flowing, for me this can look like energy stuck in the body, dark energy in the body or the field, an impenetrable area of your system that is blocked and so I need to first assist you to open that so that we can liberate your essence and energy to flow through your system.

For one of you this was connected to the kidneys and adrenals, the solar plexus area. That makes a lot of sense! You had reported feeling fear and anxiety bubbling up around a particular area of your life.

Solar plexus and emotional flow are connected, and the kidneys are associated with fear in Chinese medicine. I learned about that connection while getting a certificate at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley CA many years ago. And if you google kidneys and fear you’ll get some results.

You also could have connections or sticky-ness in your organs or other parts of the body related to energy that you accepted or actively took consciously or unconsciously from others. This can be from this lifetime or a past lifetime, and could have been passive or aggressive.

Some examples or possible scenarios of how this happens:

—-> A belief that someone can’t handle their own life or responsibilities, they can’t process their own so you do it for them. You take it from them. This can be actually doing someone else’s work for them in the daily life, but it also could be emotional or energetic. It can be a simple thought you aren’t even aware you are having, a belief you have that impacts the way you act. I am capable, I am strong, I can handle it, I don’t want them to suffer. That is an active way of taking it on.

Another way is that it just happens because you are porous, sensitive. For animals and kids, absorbing energies in the environment can just happen. With animals, it’s part of their service to us which is why I am such a fan of pet clinic. Once a month we clear them of this so they can heal themselves and be free. But also, our bodies are animals and children can be sponges. If they absorb all of the unprocessed emotions in the family or from one parent in particular, that may cloud their understanding of who they are, and it could impede their body’s ability to heal and be healthy and impact the choices they make.

You may be able to relate to this yourself. Have you ever made choices that seemed to be about what someone else wants for you? This is a bigger topic than I am going to go over right now, but you likely know a lot about this! Now as an adult, you are clearing all that is not yours or changing what you choose to take in. You are updating your energy, beliefs and patterns, figuring out who you are, what you want, and healing yourself.

—-> Here’s an example that I have seen and is a little dramatic. What if you killed someone in a past life (hopefully not this one) and a part of your soul and their soul are fixed together? Or you were the one killed and there is trauma in that organ and/or this fusion of energies. In a situation like that, emotions run high and energy can get enmeshed. That can carry through (similar to Stuck and Dead in Past Life Series).

The first time I read through Harry Potter I did not make this correlation. But later as I learned more about past lives and certain mechanics of energy, I realized how close the description of Horcruxes in the book are to my experience and understanding now. Especially Harry’s experiences of that connection and the way it impacted the telepathic and energetic, feeling sensations when Voldemort was thinking of Harry. This was so close to my own experiences and struggles releasing certain energies and patterns from my body. As I released the energies, as I found the lifetimes after lifetimes, as I forgave, released, and healed myself, then the person who had killed me repeatedly in past lifetimes was increasingly less and less able to scream in my head or impact me at the physical or personality level in this one. I know it sounds really dramatic and sci fi. I’ll leave it for you to decide if you think there is anything to it. I can only share my own experience and what I witness in the energy. It may resonate for you and click for you.

Divine Love. Stretching beyond the current resonance or capacity to receive, to hold, to embody, to even access high frequencies of light and bathe in Divine Love. It’s always there. So after we clear and release, we are more able to access this, to stretch into even higher thoughts, beliefs and energies of Love. And then we can fill in and nourish those parts that had been bogged down before.

Some of you were working with your guide or a Master, sort of on your own during parts of the session.

Spirit babies looking at the system of your family, your body and the body of your partner, the children already present in your family, etc and work with them for what is next for them in partnership with all of you.

And then of course including everything that you shared in your intentions in these high frequencies of clarity, divine love, joy, beauty, harmony, precision, order and balance, flow and optimal for ALL involved so that those energies can organize themselves in connection with you and your Greater Consciousness through to the personality level in ways that are optimal for you, in accordance with your Divine Plan and what is next for you.


All of your personal notes have been sent. Please let me know if you did not receive them.


Thank you for joining Human Clinic!




Pet Clinic is March 16th.

Mango and I will be traveling in the late afternoon on the 16th after Pet Clinic. For this reason, I have adjusted the start time to 7am EST which impacts when you can sign up and when you need to send me your intentions. In addition, I have limited the number of participants for pet clinic on this date to a total of 11. There are currently 5 spots left. If you are core pack you already are signed up and are all set. Core Pack is Indy, Pinda, Joy, Ginger, Luna and Ava.

Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. The notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic -March 23 2023 (March 6 is cancelled).


Pet passport photos - How to create them for only 39 cents!


Pet Clinic February 14 2023 - General Notes