Pet Clinic February 14 2023 - General Notes

Thanks for the trust and for joining our tenth pet clinic, on Valentine’s Day!

Each clinic is unique, in partnership with Nature and the animals gathered. Group notes will be posted below. Listen to the notes on Soundcloud.


(did you land here and aren’t sure what Pet Clinic is? You are welcome to scroll through captain’s log and read all the notes from prior sessions, and there is a lot of info on this main pet clinic page).

Notes February 14 2023 Pet Clinic:

Gathered today:

18+ animals including Mango

15+ Dogs (+ because I don’t know how many puppies are in the pregnant mama. I know there are at least 2).

3 Cats

The gallery is so awesome. Click and scroll to the bottom of the page to see them. It’s not always the same animals every session, but many do attend each month. If you do not see your animal there and would like for me to add them, email me.

Areas of the world represented:

Full year participants, the core pack:

Liechtenstein one dog

Lille, France two cats

Connecticut two dogs

Maryland near DC one dog

Pasadena, CA one cat

Also joining this session:

Sacramento, CA two dogs

San Diego, CA one dog

Boston, MA one dog

Bethlehem, PA one dog

New York, NY one dog

Wilmington, NC one puppy

Mauritius - one dog

Greece - one pregnant mama and her pups



We’ve begun. I have connected with each animal and with the light beings and nature beings that work with me in Pet Clinic. I have read your notes to me about their ages and breed and your intentions and questions for them. Interesting to note that several of the animals are exhibiting new dysfunctional behaviors having to do with food or other things that are odd—and this is across first time pet clinic animals as well as regular participants and the core pack. So I’m very curious if there is anything similar about that perhaps having to do with what is going on for the Humans (as in the collective) or Earth changes or something else, or if it’s a case by case situation.

—->I speak about this earth energy in the audio notes if you are curious, click to listen. <—-

I’m about to begin the nrg part of the session. They are forming a group, connecting and what I would call happy anticipation or curiosity (curiosity if it’s their first time).


12 pm

The energy part of the session was a doozy. Very expansive and potent. I’ll do my best to share the parts that are articulable. Where to start. Hmmm…well it’s Valentine’s Day so let’s start with love. There is a particular quality to human love as I understand it, the way the human heart is multi-dimensional and how we—if and as we choose—can bring through Divine Love through all the layers and into our 3D earth reality. It’s expansive. It’s dynamic and flexible, powerful, nourishing and healing, and feels amazing to bask in.

That is from my understanding and now I’m going to ask Pan to verify and add to that if there is anything to add. I got a strong yes on all that I wrote and then asked if there was anything to add, and chose to record that in order to capture it.

The sense that I have is that our animals LOVE and crave this energy. It is like food, nourishment to them. And with it, they can heal themselves (as we can, too—heal ourselves and offer Love as healing nourishment to one another).

One of the dogs who has been acting out and eating forbidden things and finding his way into forbidden barricaded places was just drinking this up. There has been stress in the home apparently, and this dog was so hungry for this love. Every time the Love flow would come in strongly, he would jump into my awareness very clearly. I was thinking about the family and how to help them access more of the love that is always available even with the distress they are currently experiencing. I am going to think more about that in terms of which meditation or meditations to recommend.

But also, all of the meditations are coming from a place of very high frequency (or some like to say vibration) of divine love, soul love, solar light, star light. Maybe, Into the Cave, since that is a pre-cursor to Healing Hands, and has activations for vision, hands and our whole being. Becoming Joy in the free streaming ones could be a great choice. That and Boundaries, Discernment, Being Source. Really, any you are drawn to.

All of the animals were drinking this up, it’s just that the one mentioned above was showing me how it’s the nourishment he’s been needing. He’s been trying to find a way to establish balance in the home with his behavior.

It may not make sense just looking at the behavior with human eyes and projections, but if you understand he is trying to fill up with Love, then he’d be able to BE that Love and that would balance out the ways it’s been absent and restore balance and equilibrium for the family. Then that behavior of getting into the cabinets and eating everything in sight suddenly becomes a lovable, admirable behavior of service. It’s genius! And ultimately, we the human parent can partner with the animal, thank them for showing us there is an imbalance that needs attention, and offer a solution when we understand the root.

He was satiated at the end, so happy. At the beginning he got into the pet clinic groove pretty quickly, very curious.

Another one of the new animals in the session, an older dog who has been ailing, presented in a unique way. I hadn’t seen it quite like this before with an animal. It took almost the entire energy session (about 90 minutes) and multiple passes to help her as much as I could. Actually, all of the animals helped. This has happened in other sessions, and certainly was going on in this one. They help each other. Sometimes they’ll all or a subset of them will gather around one in need. (I’m hearing All of them, “It’s what we do. It’s how we are.”)

Before I say more about this, just know that there is so much going on in the energy, that what I’m writing about is a bit like the tip of an iceberg. There is more I was conscious of that I either don’t recall or can’t articulate, and then more that is beyond my ability to track.

In the case of this dog, she had some black blocks of energy in her field and body when I first found her. And through the session, we helped find the seed of light that is her. Her essence. It took a while! She was wrapped in so many layers of compressed and darkened energy that wasn’t hers, what she’d taken on and absorbed from her life in service to her family. What a good girl! (Of course I kept telling her that).

This is what our animals do. In this case it was so dense and thick, she wasn’t really in her body. I couldn’t find her at first. But we kept coming back, as the angels and guides worked with her and then he would cycle back into my awareness and there would be more space, more flow, more access to her body and his essence. Once we were able to access her essence, then we helped her spread that essence through her body and out to the skin. It was amazing when this connected with the boundary of her body, the skin. Like a click, something settling into place.

We also helped her fill up with just the right amount of the pure Love energy available that is/was useful for her, helped her stabilize, and helped her continue to create a clear field around herself. As we worked I let her know that she doesn’t have to hold all of that. That she can have that clarity.

This is a conversation I had with most of the animals.

Some of them say, “But that is my job!” And so then we’d check with Pan to see if in this case, if it indeed is there job. Sometimes it actually IS the agreement your animal has with you. And in some other cases it’s not an agreement, but it is simply their nature to do this.

Either way, I let them know that their agreement to help process that energy does not mean they need to retain it. As I understand it, they may be able to metabolize some of these kinds of energies, but they aren’t able to metabolize all of it on their own. When they can’t, it impedes their own natural vitality and ability to heal themselves.

When this is explained to them, they are willing to let it go. Some of them don’t need this explanation, and some do. They are so committed to you! And all of them… ALL …of them are committed to doing a good job. (I emphasized that because as with the case of the forbidden food mentioned above, sometimes from a human logic perspective, it may not seem that way).

In case you are wondering -

Where does all that energy go?

The guides and Nature and I transmute it. It’s just energy. It’s not going back into your environment or into you or another animal. It’s a light equivalent of compost in a way. We are digesting it into light and raw materials that can be utilized or harmlessly released.

Ok if you are anything like me,

sometimes chocolate is essential when we are doing a lot of energy work! Or even when we are reading things with energy transmissions in them. Fortunately, I made these almond flour raw cacao chocolate muffins before Pet Clinic. Don’t worry, Mango is not getting any of this. She has her own awesome treats made from crickets!

I wish I could share them with you. (The muffins, not the crickets).

Next, I’ll share a bit about the world service component. Some of our core pack pet parents will ask their animal what they want for pet clinic. And they hear, “World Service.” I kid you not. This is true of more than one of our core pack families. This information was shared with me independently of the other knowing their animal had said the same thing.

As an aspect of that world service, today we did connect with all cats and all dogs, offering this love. We also asked for the guides and light beings we work with to bring love and kindness, compassion and safety, nourishment for all cats and dogs. We did extend this to all animals, and focused on the kind of animals that were in our session. And all that expansive, overflowing Love that was in this session poured out to all of the animals around the world.

There are a couple kinds of animal guides or helper beings that Mango and I worked with when she was in and out of the hospital during our year of saving her life. I would send these beings ahead to clear the energy of the hospital for her, and if I had to leave her there overnight or for days, those beings would stay with her. They showed up in this session and were working with all of your animals. I asked if all of the animals could have a similar kind of being. It was an interesting inquiry, and after a time it seemed that yes, the animals who wanted to have this kind of helper being, did get them. I did not ask which of the animals did or didn’t, I just know that the ones who needed it or wanted it received that.

Many wanted and received a form of acupuncture.

All of the new animals were connected with their Source energy. All of the animals in the session, new and returning and core pack connected with their Source energy. Those that have done Pet Clinic before either have maintained this connection since the last Pet Clinic, or easily find this connection when we focus on it.

For the puppy, connecting in this way really seemed to stabilize him and bring him into his body, into this world, into his regal right place in this life.

All were told repeatedly how loved they are, and we brought in energies to help them in their jobs and them with their personal energy systems for balance, stability, harmony and strength.

All of those qualities are great for all of them, and in particular, in combination with the clearing, with finding or reconnecting with their Source are incredibly helpful for those who are living with and in service to humans living with a disease.

Several of you have family members with serious illness, and we all know how incredibly helpful our pets can be. It’s their love and adorableness we treasure, but also there are actual things they are doing in the energy to help with healing.

They love to BE this for you. It’s their great joy and honor. It’s their Purpose.

You know how it feels when you are living your Purpose. Aliveness, settled, a subtle rapture, pure satisfaction or fulfillment, a reason to get up in the morning, etc. We all love to be living our true Purpose. Even if everything in our life isn’t perfect, when we are living our Purpose we are our true selves, expressing and being our essence, living in a groove that feels pure and right.

Never feel guilty about all this energy help your animals are providing for you if you can help it. I have heard some of you express something along those lines so I feel called to address it in case this is you. Instead, or if you ever find yourself feeling that way, just stop and remember this bit about them fulfilling their Purpose. Thank them, love them and help them clear the energies they take on. OH—and they want me to remind you —— “AND TREATS!” (the super yummy ones of course).

Ok now I think this next little piece will be it for the group notes.

You may have heard this from me before.

The new babies, many of them very advanced evolutionary beings, are incarnating with familiars. Meaning, you may need to get a dog or cat before or shortly after the baby arrives. So far I’ve seen that the animal comes before the human baby comes. These familiars are a brilliant partnership and strategy for assisting the human child to bring in more of the energy that they are as a being of light, into a human body in a stable way. The animal helps them orient to the physical, natural world and helps them manage their huge expansive light and flow.

While I don’t think this is new in human-animal relations, it’s newish in my consciousness that it’s happening in such a coordinated way with Nature in particular with these babies coming in.

I have direct experience with animals that I reincarnate with over and over again (Mango is an example of this), and I know that many of you are aware of this as well.

So again, I don’t think it’s new. But it’s new in my conscious awareness. If you are thinking, a puppy or a kitten, new dog or cat AND a baby? Even though it might seem like too much, there may be a higher purpose going on and you can trust your knowing and intuition about it.

It’s 1:30. I’m going to take a little break, walk Mango and then begin your personal notes. You’ll receive those via email or possibly text if I have your cell by the end of the day/night. It’s already the afternoon and I’m not sure how long this will take. If you are in Europe I’ll likely do yours first so you can have them before you go to bed.

It’s 4:55PM and I’m working through the private notes. With the exception of one I’ve already notified, if you are EST or Europe I have sent your private notes. A few of you PST are up next. :)

In some of your private notes I mentioned a Spotify playlist that Mango likes if she is ever alone in the home. I got the name wrong or they changed the name—I see it now says “2023” but we’ve been listening to this or something like it since 2017 or so.

Thank you for joining Pet Clinic!


Alaya and Mango

(listen to the notes on soundcloud).

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Human Clinic is February 23rd—remember to take care of yourself too.


Human Clinic February 23 2023 - General Notes


Human Clinic February 6 2023 - General Notes