Human Clinic May 25th 2023- USA - General Notes

Hello all! Thank you for sending your intentions my way.

Listen to audio notes on Soundcloud.

May 25th Session is Sold Out

In this session

21 Humans including me.

  • 13 adults

  • 8 littles

  • (2 gestating inside of 2 those adults—they are included but not formally counted)

Countries, Cities, States represented

(If you don’t see your location here, if I’ve got it wrong or you are traveling, please email and let me know. Thanks!)

Brooklyn, New York

Woburn, Massachussetts

Lille, France

Central Coast, California

Hamburg, Germany


Takoma Park, Maryland


San Diego, California

Providence, Rhode Island

Pasadena, California

Ottawa, Canada

Group Notes from Alaya

10:45 am The session is still setting up. It’s a big one. I’ve been in the energy with you now for days. The sessions really do start on some level as soon as you sign up and are committed, and this one has been coalescing for a while. I woke up around 5-6 am (not really sure) and I was in the energy and began including you and working with you already at that time. You may have been aware of this—I had a feeling that some of you were (even though you were most likely asleep at that time).

There are some opportunities for us individually and as a group co-creative consciousness to go higher, to purify and to release restrictive limiting beliefs and programs. These include having to do with releasing projections, an awareness that what we might perceive as “true” is only a piece of a bigger picture, sort of like seeing a toe of an elephant and thinking that the being is just toe-like. Do we fixate on that piece? The piece we can see that is “true” for us, do we hold it rigidly as THE truth? In what ways do we do that? In what ways or areas are our minds more open to the bigger picture?

What is “mind”?

What is your fluidity, connection and relationship or identification in the Universal Mind?

What is the Mind of God?

Is it a concept? Is it “out there” and mysterious? Attainable? Unattainable? An experience you’ve felt through and through? A peak experience? An integrated knowing and reality? A seat of consciousness or foundation of your being and creations?

One of you responded to my email about mind with a comment about heart.

Are they (mind-heart) separate in your “mind”? If so, how might that influence manifestation or lived reality?

How susceptible are you to others projections? Do you engage and play with them? Accept them? Mirror them back? Do they just go by without attachment? Are you free of them?

Do you offer high visions of others, seeing others as their Divine Self? What about if they don’t offer that to you?

How willing are you to embrace what is really yours at the level of resonance that is available to you?

Is there a gap between your primary conscious identity and the resonance that is a truer match for you? If so, how can we love the gap, bridge or dissolve the gap? Allow the gap?

In terms of the bright ones, the kiddos here with us, for you who have come into Life so recently navigating the gap of All you ARE and what is here on Earth for you. Encompassing all of what you know and see and feel in a way that is empowering and validating of what you know. Yes you are here together. You are not alone. We see you. We will do everything we are capable of to love and care for you, including to hold a high and steady vision of you so that you are bouyed on your journey in this dimension.

It’s almost 2pm. Everything is easy and slow paced today. Deep and rich. I have read all your emails to me, taken some notes. Been in the energy. Took a walk. Had some chocolate. I’m getting ready to officially do the big energy part, however really, we’ve been marinating in it all day. I feel really grateful for you, for the group configuration or essence, and your individual contributions and essences. Feeling lucky. A sense of balance and coherence. I wonder how many lifetimes we have all learned together?

I am seeing the kids making a matrix of light. I feel or see some of you digging in the earth or standing with one hand rising up and the other pointing down to the earth, heart radiant and open. I hear some of you as if chanting, OM or some other vocal expression. Many colors. Chakras aligning, emanating beautiful colors. In your places on Earth. It’s beautiful.

I’m remembering a time in a class when Aurora who was what, maybe 2? 3? made a mandala of little sticker gems during a channeling. I have that sense of the pure energy coming through as art and expression into beautiful forms. Of each being so attuned and receiving, easily directing flows, responsive, open, powerful, creative.

Ok. I lie down now.

3:45 just finished the focused energy session part.

Hungry! I have a snack, Mango got one too.

Are you ready for your power?

How are you fully present in and as the Mind of God, blissful in Oneness, and in a body? We talked about this on the inner planes, and all the kids were first in on this.

“This is what it’s like where I just came from.”

So then we “talked about” that.

Love for our bodies.

Support for healing, clearing, strength and radiant well being.

Resonating with and BEING…

Divine Self qualities. What are you ready for and drawn to? (Bliss, Beauty, Space, Power, Prosperity, ???)

Finding and enjoying each other at the level of All through to our unique expression —the Joy and Beauty of our unique expression and Purpose.

What are your optimal creations?

When we were in that Oneness flowing love connected place, each of us had the opportunity to explore and identify the way our systems respond to something or many somethings from our intentions. We found the options as energy, and noticed how it affected our system when we found the sweet spot for us.

This could have to do with which car to buy, which school to choose, when to launch your book, what publisher to choose, when to offer your yoga class, where to set your prices for your photographs, to have or not have another child, to get or not get a vaccine, to eat or to not eat sugar, or exploring several options or a range—like dates and prices.

Example: Should I buy a 5K used car or a 100K new car or somewhere in between? Should I buy a car at all? If you travel up the range, and if you are noticing your own system, there will be a point (if a new car is in alignment for you) where restrictions begin to shift and your energy starts to flow. If you keep going up the range and keep noticing, you can identify what feels best. Once you identify what feels best, you can stay and resonate there for a while in order to become a match for that optimal car and attract it to you. (car is just an easy to relate to example. Replace with something you want to create or understand).

We could identify when the connection was made and the flow began. You did this in the session and may or may not have any memory of this. If you go through the intentions you sent me, get still and quiet, you may find some information, answers, aha’s or clarity coming through already, now, or over the next days or month.

Mostly this session was about resonating and being Oneness and Divine Self Presence.

That might mean letting go of old identity structures or beliefs or thought structures holding physical issues in place. It could show up as joy and ease as you follow the flow, feeling really aligned and knowing what actions to take and when to rest moment to moment. It could mean a sense of yourself that you’ve always known and had is suddenly a bit more accessible, or others begin reflecting it back to you with their comments and feedback or inviations.

We had so many beings with us, Masters, Guides, the Angelic Realm, Earth, Sun, Central Spiritual Sun, Star systems including Sirius, Pleiades and more. In fact, at one point about a third of the way in, you each started showing up in the space tracking back or bringing through you the light of your “home star”.

I think that may be it for group notes. I still need to go through your personal notes, and sometimes that sparks a memory that I’ll come back and add here.

You all did great. It was a lot so please drink water, make sure you get enough protein and minerals, and rest or move your body as you feel you need.


I will be very interested to read all of your comments here.

Thank you for joining Human Clinic!



Listen to the notes.


Pet Clinic is June 12th.

Our animals absorb energy from us and their environments, and benefit so much from this monthly clearing and support. There is an image gallery if you scroll all the way down on that page of some of our participants from around the world. If you haven’t yet read notes from Pet Clinic, and if you are interested in Human-Nature relations — those notes are worth a listen or a read. Seriously cool stuff coming through. The notes are now also on Soundcloud. :)


Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.

Next Human Clinic - June 5th 2023 (pls sign up now or no later than June 4th).


Mango’s Homemade Food Recipe


Pet Clinic May 18 2023 - General Notes